Quantum Research and Innovation at CU Boulder


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The future of quantum is here 

Recognized as one of humanity's greatest opportunities for technological advancement since the microchip, quantum science is poised to open new frontiers of possibility in fields as diverse as aerospace, health, climate and computing. CU Boulder is at the leading edge of unlocking this potential.

As a catalyst for Colorado's prolific quantum community, CU Boulder has been driving quantum innovation for decades thanks to a comprehensive research environment that accelerates fundamental advances, develops engineering and technical expertise, and engages state and national leaders to cultivate a next-generation economy and workforce equipped to turn groundbreaking lab discoveries into real-world impact.

CU Boulder Quantum Advances

A Legacy to Shape the Quantum Future

  • Prominent at the top of US News and World Report program rankings for atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics, quantum physics and condensed matter physics
  • JILA—a joint Institute between CU Boulder and NIST—boasts four Nobel Prize winners and consistently produces quantum research breakthroughs

From Quantum Innovation to Real-World Impact

  • continuous pipeline of top quantum talent helps Colorado lead the nation in quantum and quantum-enabling companies
  • Innovations from CU Boulder labs have resulted in the emergence of influential quantum computing companies such as Infleqtion, Quantinuum and Atom Computing

A Tight-Knit Quantum Research Community

  • Boulder and the Front Range are home to a globally recognized concentration of quantum scientists, engineers, students and technology experts
  • This deeply networked, collaborative culture leads to mutual learning, advancement and opportunities extending from basic scientific research to practical applications

Explore Quantum Research & Innovation at CU Boulder