Recruitment and Hiring

The Office of Faculty Affairs considers non-tenure-track and non-instructor-rank faculty as "other" and refers to them as contingent (temporary) faculty because they are generally hired for periods of less than one year (typically on a semester-to-semester basis). "Other" faculty titles include lecturer, adjoint, adjunct, visiting, and attendant rank. For more details about these faculty titles, refer to Appendix A of CU System Administrative Policy Statement 5060.



The title Lecturer (job code 1419) is granted to individuals hired to teach on a course-by-course basis. Lecturers are qualified to teach the particular course or courses for which they have been hired. They may have graduate degrees and/or advanced experience in their profession or field of expertise. Lecturers are employees-at-will. Individuals who are expected to perform service should be appointed as Instructors.

Teaching Limitations

Lecturers may teach up to three courses, or the equivalent (up to 9 credit hours total), each semester, including courses taught on all CU campuses and through Continuing Education. However, self-paced courses taught through Continuing Education do not count against teaching limits.

Benefits Eligibility

Lecturer faculty with 50% appointments or greater are eligible for benefits with the exception of retirement benefits; however, are not eligible for leave as outlined on the Benefit Eligibility Matrix


The titles Professor Adjoint (job code 1406), Associate Professor Adjoint (job code 1407), or Assistant Professor Adjoint (job code 1408) are used to designate individuals, such as employees of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, or other agencies or institutions who offer courses or supervise academic programs without compensation above their regular salary. Adjoint Professors have the usual privileges and responsibilities of members of the regular faculty, except that these positions are not tenure-eligible and are at will. Their academic qualifications should be similar to those of regular faculty in full Professor, Associate, or Assistant ranks.

Benefits Eligibility

Adjoint faculty are not eligible for benefits and are not eligible for leave as outlined on the Benefit Eligibility Matrix.


Adjunct faculty status of Professor Adjunct (job code 1409), Associate Professor Adjunct (job code 1410) and Assistant Professor Adjunct (job code 1411) is awarded to an individual who previously held the rank of full Professor, Associate, or Assistant at a comparable higher education institution. Adjunct faculty members are hired on a course-by-course, part-time, non-tenure track basis (similar to lecturers). The title of full Professor, Associate, or Assistant Professor Adjunct will be dependent upon the last rank held by the individual in a comparable institution. If the permanent faculty believes an individual's qualifications and experience warrant an adjunct appointment event though the individual has not previously held a professional rank, the title of Assistant Professor Adjunct normally would be recommended.

Benefits Eligibility

Adjunct faculty are not eligible for benefits and are not eligible for leave as outlined on the Benefit Eligibility Matrix.


The titles Visiting Professor (job code 1401), Visiting Associate Professor (job code 1402) and Visiting Assistant Professor (job code 1403) are used to designate individuals that have a temporary appointment for a defined period such as an academic year, semester, or summer term. The visiting title should indicate the faculty member’s rank at their home institution or planned for at this university.

Benefits Eligibility

Visiting faculty with 50% appointments or greater are eligible for some benefits as outlined on the Benefit Eligibility Matrix.

Attendant Rank

Attendant rank titles are Professor Attendant, Associate Professor Attendant, Assistant Professor Attendant, Senior Instructor Attendant, Instructor Attendant, Museum Curator Attendant, Museum Associate Curator Attendant, Museum Assistant Attendant and may be granted to persons holding University administrative or service positions. Those approved for this rank are expected to possess the same scholarly qualifications in a discipline as regular faculty members and to engage in instructional activities without compensation over and above their regular salary. Those attaining this title have the same rights and privileges available to regular faculty members, except that they are not eligible for consideration of tenure.

For more information on the general timeline, length of appointment, compensation and process of recruitment and hiring for temporary faculty please refer to the following information:

General Timeline

Offer letters are to be accepted by the candidate and then approved prior to the start date of the appointment. Candidates should not be allowed to begin work without a fully-executed offer letter and an approved background check. Therefore, offer letters should be fully-executed (all signatures obtained) by the following deadlines:

  • Fall appointments: August 1
  • Spring appointments: December 1

Appointment Length

Typically, temporary faculty appointments are for one semester at a time, or occasionally for one academic year at a time. The start date for temporary faculty appointments is one week prior to the first day of class and ends on date of commencement respectively.


Each semester, Unit determines temporary faculty appointees according to teaching needs and ensures employment eligibility (i.e., Lecturers may teach up to three courses, or the equivalent (up to 9 credit hours total), each semester, including courses taught on all CU campuses and through Continuing Education).

  • The unit creates position description in Avature and submits for review, approval, and posting. Once posted, the Unit will receive a quick link to the posting.

  • Unit conducts a search to identify chosen candidate.
  • Unit submits the draft offer letter via Word document to the CEAS HR Coordinator for Faculty along with the faculty CV.
  • Draft offer letter reviewed by the College of Engineering and Applied Science HR Coordinator – Faculty; corrections made (if applicable).
  • Once approved by CEAS HR Coordinator for Faculty, offer letter routed for signatures via DocuSign with cc: to the following:
    • Unit
    • Human Resources Service Center
    • HR Coordinator for Faculty
  • Unit submits welcome/onboarding email to candidate and begins the hiring and background check process.
  • Appointment entered in HCM by the Human Resources Service Center.
  • If applicable, Unit dispositions candidates and requests that the College of Engineering and Applied Science HR Coordinator – Faculty close the posting in CU Careers.


Salary ranges are determined by the unit in consultation with the Dean. Units should set other faculty compensation according to the following: number of courses needed, experience of the faculty, and extent to which other instructional duties are required.