Digital Accessibility Buff Award
The Digital Accessibility Buff Award honors CU Boulder students, staff, and faculty who have demonstrated noteworthy accessibility practices and fostered an inclusive digital environment for individuals with disabilities. The decision committee looks for nominees whose work aligns with the DAO mission and inspires others to create a more inclusive environment at CU Boulder by significantly increasing awareness of digital accessibility on campus.
Visit the Digital Accessibility Buff Award winners page to celebrate these champions!
- Nominations must be made by members of CU Boulder (students, staff, or faculty).
- Nominees must be employed or enrolled at CU Boulder during nomination and award recognition cycle.
- Self-nominations as well as nominations of other individuals or groups are accepted.
- Committee members are not allowed to submit nominations. Staff members of the DAO that are not included in the decision committee are allowed to submit nominations.
Additional Award Details
- Nominees from previous award cycles are eligible and may be considered as future Digital Accessibility Buff Award recipients.
- Digital Accessibility Buff Award winners will be awarded every year in April, August, and December.
- The recipient of the award will be featured on the Digital Accessibility Buff Award winners page, the Accessibility Minute newsletter, and the DAO LinkedIn page. They will also receive a digital certificate and a plaque to recognize their accomplishments.
To nominate someone (including yourself), a group of people, or department, please complete the Accessibility Buff nomination form below.