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Finding clarity in chaos: Naomi Klein to visit CMCI

Finding clarity in chaos: Naomi Klein to visit CMCI

By Iris Serrano

As polarization and misinformation make it harder for us to know what’s real in the media we consume, it can be easy to lose sight of the world we once lived in. 

Naomi Klein, an international bestselling author and a professor of climate justice at the University of British Columbia, will visit the University of Colorado Boulder on Oct. 28 to offer insight on how to navigate these challenges. 

“If you're concerned about how our ideas and positions have become helplessly irreconcilable, and if you have questions about how we can begin to remedy our deeply polarized worlds, then this event is for you,” said Nabil Echchaibi, associate dean of scholarly and creative work at the College of Media, Communication and Information and a professor of media studies. “Klein is one of the most influential voices of our times, and she speaks with unparalleled clarity and depth.” 

Klein will be the second guest in CMCI’s Distinguished Lecture Series, which invites experts to Boulder for discussions of important contemporary topics relevant to CMCI disciplines.

Headshot of Naomi Klein

An an award-winning journalist and a columnist for The Guardian, Klein will discuss themes around her most recently book, Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World. Stories from the New York Times bestseller will be at the heart of a conversation between Klein and Echchaibi that will touch on chronic distrust and suspicion, as well as the role institutions such as journalism and higher education should play in facing the challenges of disinformation and siloed politics. 

“Her brand of sharp bravery and constructive analysis are woefully lacking in our public discourse today,” Echchaibi said. “I’m excited for our students to hear from someone who has built a strong bridge between scholarship, activism, advocacy and the classroom.”