Outreach and Student Support

CMCI partners with other higher education institutions, K-12 schools, and community organizations to build a college that is more diverse and inclusive. If you are part of an organization interested in collaborating, contact a member of our team and share your ideas! Here are some examples of outreach initiatives already underway.

  • Connections: CMCI Summer Academy
    Connections is a residential summer outreach program that introduces CMCI to a diverse group of Colorado high school students. The goal is to help students foster enduring connections with one another and with the college community as they begin to imagine themselves pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Participants engage with CMCI faculty, graduate students and peer mentors to explore creative ways to tell their stories through a range of media forms, including digital storytelling, podcasting, documentary filmmaking, data visualizations, creative writing and other types of media. For more information, contact Sara Jamieson.
  • Pathways to Excellence
    This is a unique residential summer bridge program for incoming CMCI students. The program offers an extra boost to thrive and achieve in college before your first year even starts and is a great opportunity for those who may face additional challenges on campus, such as first-generation college students, students of color and/or LGBTQ students. Come work side-by-side with faculty and peers to produce your own creative project and start college with a vibrant sense of community! For more information, contact Ruth Hickerson. View the 2019 gallery »
  • CMCI Diverse Scholars
    Part of the CU-LEAD Alliance, this program is for students who have successfully completed Pathways to Excellence. Diverse Scholars is one of 15 vibrant neighborhoods across campus that promote diversity and academic excellence throughout the year. It facilitates access to networking opportunities, peer mentoring and tailored support from faculty and staff. For more information, contact Dave Martinez.

Summer Partnerships

  • Fundamentals in CMCI is a course that introduces high school students to CMCI majors and programs, in association with CU’s Precollegiate Development Program (PCDP). PCDP is an institutionally funded academic enhancement program serving first-generation students and families from targeted middle and high schools. It is designed to motivate and prepare first-generation students in pursuit of post-secondary education.

Community Outreach and Undergraduate Recruitment
Shelby Javernick, CMCI's recruitment and outreach manager, and David Martinez, CMCI's coordinator of inclusive excellence and outreach, work closely with high schools in the Denver metro area as well as surrounding cities and rural communities. CMCI staff and students also visit national high schools. Most recently, the college is launching “Home for the Holidays,” a program where CMCI students visit their own high schools to promote CMCI in partnership with our recruitment efforts.

If you are interested in working with CMCI on recruitment, please contact us.