Master's in the Teaching of Latin Reading List

Candidates for this degree may create their own reading list selecting from the possibilities outlined below. Candidates should refer to the Latin PhD reading list for advice on commentaries for each of the texts they choose. They must submit their list to the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies for approval by the end of their second semester in the M.A. program.

Latin Readings
Lyric, Elegy, EpigramCatullus: 1000 lines
Horace: 1000 lines
Ovid: 500 lines
Propertius and Tibullus: 1000 lines
Martial: 200 lines
Epic7 books (must include one each by Lucretius
and Ovid and four by Virgil)
DramaTragedy: 1 play
Comedy: 3 plays (must include one each by
Plautus and Terence)
Other PoetrySatire: 1000 lines (must include one each by Horace and Juvenal)
Virgil, Eclogues and Georgics: 1000 lines (must include one whole Eclogue and Georgic)
Other Poetry: 500 lines
Classical ProseAt least OCT 50 pages each by: Caesar, Cicero, Livy, Sallust, Suetonius, Tacitus
Letters: 50 pages
Other Prose80 OCT pages
Later Latin60 OCT pages of prose and/or poetry after 193 A.D.