Obermann Center at the University of Iowa -- “Pandemic Insights” -- part of a series of YouTube interviews with humanities faculty and graduate students about their intellectual work and their thoughts on living in a global pandemic: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsNGRdSNTLgg0XeExLn7pavjypuCMaKux 

Calgary Institute for the Humanities “Digital Salon Series” https://arts.ucalgary.ca/cih/laylalavandigital

Institute for the Arts and Humanities at UNC Chapel Hill “Virtual Talks on COVID-19” https://iah.unc.edu/iah-zoom-talks/

University of Maryland, Baltimore County “Digital Decameron” http://stories.umbc.edu/index.php/2020/03/24/the-digital-decameron/

University of Texas “Pandemic Project: the Study of People during COVID-19” http://www.utpsyc.org/covid19/

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice “Afropean” https://www.afropeanbridges.org/

National Humanities Alliance “Reflections on Humanities’ Benefits for Life During the Pandemic” https://nha.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_71bpP6Z8IBJxpCB

University of British Columbia “Public Humanities Hub” https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKtx6ARWx2jh4GQH88nhE0w

The Humanities Institute at UC Santa Cruz “Making Sense of COVID-19” https://thi.ucsc.edu/making-sense-of-covid-19/

Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic - Resource Guide

Stream Plays Recorded at the Globe Theater - The Globe Theater is streaming recorded plays online. Not all of the content is free, but paying for content is a great way to support artists during this time of unemployment.

Free Online Art Courses - Article with 10 art classes that are being offered online along with descriptions of the course

Boulder Arts Week - Going online this year. People can attend events and even submit their own events. March 27 - April 4.

The Paris Opera streaming performances online for free

Live-streamed concerts available - Article with list of all the theaters that are offering online versions of performances and concerts

Art Institute of Chicago put 44,000+ art pieces online and available to view in high resolution 

Paris Museums put 100,000 art pieces online available for unrestricted public use

Art Museum Virtual Tours - List of 12 art museums that allow you to take tours via video

Asian American Feminist Antibodies: Care in the Time of Coronavirus

Kara Walker has made her personal archive available 

Alvin Ailey Streaming performances online 

PARtake: The Journal of Perfomance as Research online