Daniel Ramirez
- Student
I am a graduate student at the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology department in the lab of Robin Dowell. I do research on how gene transcription regulation evolves. In particular, I focus on transcription regulatory elements involved in the innate immune response of primates. The Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology program has given me the opportunity to take classes outside of the MCDB department, including in statistics and in computer science, that will be instrumental to pursue my research. IQ Biology has also provided me an opportunity to make friends, connections and potential collaborators from many research departments at CU Boulder (such as in Physics, in Mechanical Engineering, etc.) that I doubt I would have made otherwise.
Daniel received a BS degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and majored in Genomic Sciences. Daniel rotated with Dr. Robin Dowell in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Dr. Joel Kralj in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, and Dr. Karolin Luger in the Department of Biochemistry. Daniel is co-advised by Dr. Robin Dowell and Dr. Edward Chuong.