- Unconventional Natural Gas: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges with America’s New Energy Resource
Sue Tierney, a Managing Principal at Analysis Group in Boston, is an expert on energy economics, regulation and policy, with a focus on the electric and gas industries. She consults to businesses, government agencies, non-profits, Indian tribes, and others. She previously served as the Assistant Secretary for Policy at the U.S. DOE, and held various senior positions in Massachusetts government (Secretary for Environmental Affairs; public utility commissioner; executive director of the Energy Facilities Siting Council). She co-chaired the DOE Agency Review Team for the Obama/Biden Presidential Transition Team. She serves on the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (and its Shale Gas Subcommittee); chairs the Advisory Council of the National Renewable Energy Lab; is a member of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s energy project; and is a director of the World Resources Institute, Clean Air Task Force, Clean Air – Cool Planet, and EnerNOC, Inc. She previously chaired the Board of Directors of the Energy Foundation, co-chaired the National Commission on Energy Policy, chaired the Policy Subgroup of the National Petroleum Council’s study of the North American natural gas resources, and taught at the University of California at Irvine and at MIT. She earned her Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in regional planning at Cornell University.
The PowerPoint from Susan Tierneys’ talk can be found here.