
  • Garfield County’s Lessons Learned about Oil and Gas Development: Building Relationships with Industry and the Community to Effectively Address Citizen Concerns

Kirby Wynn is Garfield County’s Oil and Gas Liaison. In that role, he works with residents, industry and government agencies to address questions and concerns related to energy development activity in Garfield County. Topics he addresses range from odor, traffic, noise, and water quality concerns to oil and gas permitting. Most of the quality of life types of questions and concerns coming into the County government from citizens make their way to Kirby’s office.

His role is to connect with people, identify issues related to oil and gas development, and facilitate understanding and resolution those issues. “High priorities for me are fostering effective communication and problem solving amongst all parties relative to oil and gas development concerns. I do not see myself as an advocate for specific outcomes, as much as for bringing the right people together to discuss and resolve potential concerns,” Wynn says.

Previously, he owned a water resource consulting company, Wynn Environmental, which provided water resource assessment and stakeholder engagement services to Colorado’s water community. Kirby also served as the Studies Chief in Western Colorado for the U.S. Geological Survey, managing a staff of hydrologists and their water studies program.

Photo credit: Renelle Lott