- Cartoon editor of The New Yorker
- October 14, 2015
In 1974, Bob Mankoff began creating original cartoons and submitting them to magazines around New York City. In 1977, he sold his first cartoon to The New Yorker, and within three years he became a regular contributor to the magazine. In 1991, he started The Cartoon Bank, a business devoted to licensing cartoons for use in newsletters, textbooks, magazines, and other media. In 1997, Mankoff was named Cartoon Editor of The New Yorker, replacing Lee Lorenz. Mankoff has edited multiple volumes of cartoon collections, including “The Complete Cartoons of The New Yorker.” He has also lectured on humor at the University of Michigan. Recently, Mankoff was the subject of a segment on “60 Minutes” with Morley Safer. More than nine hundred of Mankoff’s cartoons have been published in The New Yorker, including one of the most popular New Yorker cartoons of all time, which gave the title to his best-selling memoir, “How About Never–Is Never Good For You?: My Life in Cartoons” (2014).