photo of reception at 2008 Writing Awards Banquet

Rachel (Avy) Harris

First Prize – Poetry
“Telling Stories”

Christopher Rosales

First Prize – Memoir
“The Thousand Yard Stare”

Adam Stetson
Richard Keehn III

First Prize – Undergraduate Fiction
“Wounded Knee ’73”

Christopher Rosales

First Prize – Graduate Fiction
“Cinco de Mayo”

William Kovacsik

First Prize – Special Topic: Immigration
“Old Glory”

Jennifer Kling

Honorable Mention – Poetry

Casey Flynn

Honorable Mention – Memoir
“The Same Road for the First Time”

Michael Bragg
David Carlberg

Honorable Mention – Undergraduate Fiction
“In the Valley of the Six-Armed Cross”

Kate Flaherty

Honorable Mention – Undergraduate Nonfiction
“A Close Reading of The Virginian”

Vivian Liao

Honorable Mention – Graduate Fiction
“The Kitchen Master” (Novel Excerpt)

Leora Frankel

Honorable Mention – Special Topic: Immigration
“Lulling Reaches”

Cari Skogberg Eastman

Honorable Mention – Special Topic: Immigration
“Looking Back: The History of U.S. (Im)Migration”