CTL & ASSETT Newsletter - February 2024

(Pictured from left to right) First row Kalpana Gupta (CTL facilitator), Osita Onyejekwe (CS). Second row, Amanda McAndrew (ASSETT facilitator), Kristin Moore (MCDB), Maribeth Oscamou (CS). Third row, Peter Newton (ENVS), Jessica Gorski (Baker RAP), Christy Fillman (MCDB), David Knox (CS), Rachael Baiduc (SLHS), and Maureen Floriano (IPHY). Not Pictured: Leilani Arthurs (Founding Facilitator, GEOG), Nabilah Carlon (Faculty Mentor, CHEM), Karen Crouch (ASSETT Facilitator), Hoang Truong (CS)

(Learning by Design cohort pictured from left to right) First row Kalpana Gupta (CTL facilitator), Osita Onyejekwe (CS).  Second row, Amanda McAndrew (ASSETT facilitator), Kristin Moore (MCDB), Maribeth Oscamou (CS). Third row, Peter Newton (ENVS), Jessica Gorski (Baker RAP), Christy Fillman (MCDB), David Knox (CS), Rachael Baiduc (SLHS), and Maureen Floriano (IPHY). Not Pictured: Leilani Arthurs (Founding Facilitator, GEOG), Nabilah Carlon (Faculty Mentor, CHEM), Karen Crouch (ASSETT Facilitator), Hoang Truong (CS).

The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy.
- bell hooks

The CTL/ASSETT staff are here to support all campus educators through free consultations, online teaching resources, workshops, and other programs! We invite you to email our team with any questions related to teaching or to learn more at CTL@colorado.edu.