CVEN 5979: Community Appraisal
In-person, Spring, First 5 weeks, 1 Credit, Tu/Th 11:30am - 12:45pm
Instructor: Carlo Salvinelli
Course Information
This course will provide conceptual and methodological tools that can be employed by students engaged in global engineering in different phases of international development projects and studies, and prepare students to undertake a field study in a foreign country. Community appraisal methods will be presented with emphasis on participatory research approaches, need assessment tools, and ethnographic methods; related cultural, ethical and personal issues will be also discusses. Furthermore, students will be introduced to secondary data gathering, and the usage of the main data resources on food and water security, energy access, and health status.
Learning Goals
- Discuss international development community appraisal concepts, methods, and challenges.
- Be familiar with the most commonly used qualitative and quantitative data collection methods and tools
- Implement participatory and ethnographic methods.
- Conduct a secondary data collection for a specific topic and context
Textbooks and Materials
There is no required text. Readings will consist of textbook chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles and reports. All required readings will be provided through Canvas. Check regularly on Canvas for information about lecture content, readings and assignments.
Course Calendar (subject to change)
Week | Topic |
1 | Course introduction CPF field Study |
Overview of qualitative and quantitative methods | |
2 | Participatory research approaches
Power structures, change and culture, ethics and funding, communication in the field, contexts and their importance | |
3 | Ethical issues |
Ethnography and development studies Ethnographic methods Information gathering: OAT | |
4 | Secondary Data Gathering:
Guest speaker | |
5 | Effectiveness and appropriateness of global development research |
Presentations |
Class participation (20% of final grade): class participation is an essential component of the requirements for successful completion of this course. Points for class participation are not simply guaranteed by attendance (which is required); participation consists of being present in class, reading all assignments prior to the beginning of class, and being an active member in class discussions and presentations.
Essays (30% of final grade): Students will write 3 essays (10% of final grade each) and about assigned topics, readings and case studies. Directions will be given in class and posted in Canvas.
Ethnographic Methods Assignment (30% of final grade): Students will use ethnographic methods to study different campus services and to improve the user experience of different parts of campus life. Deliverables include a report describing methodology and results (groups assignment) and an individual reflection.
Secondary Data Gathering: (30% of final grade): Students will select a country and conduct a research of secondary data about socio-economic indicators, food security, water access, energy access, and health status of the population. Results will be submitted in a report and presented in class. This is a group assignment.
Late Policy
The grade for late assignments will be reduced by 10 percentage points (on a 100 point scale) per day that the assignment is late. We may agree to make exceptions to this policy on a very limited basis, provided that the reason is very compelling and provided that you ask in advance.
Extra Credit (TBD points)
Extra credit assignments are not anticipated but may arise as the course progresses.
There will be no exams in this course.
Grading Scheme
Grades will be recorded in Canvas throughout the course. At the end of the term, the scores on all assignments are weighted by the percentages given above to determine a course score. Student grades will be determined as follows based on their course score rounded to the nearest single decimal place:
| A: 100.0 to 93.0 percent | A-: 92.9 to 90.0 percent |
B+: 89.9 to 87.0 percent | B: 86.9 to 83.0 percent | B-: 82.9 to 80.0 percent |
C+: 79.9 to 77.0 percent | B: 76.9 to 73.0 percent | C-: 72.9 to 70.0 percent |
D+: 69.9 to 67.0 percent | B: 66.9 to 63.0 percent | D-: 62.9 to 60.0 percent |
F: 59.9 to 0 percent |