James Collins

  • Virginia M. Ullman Professor of Natural History and the Environment, Arizona State University

Dr. Collins has been a faculty member at Arizona State University since 1975. His research group studies host-pathogen biology and its relationship to the decline of species, at times even to extinction. Dr. Collins’ research also focuses on the intellectual and institutional factors that have shaped Ecology's development as a science as well as Ecological Ethics. Collins was founding director of ASU’s Undergraduate Biology Enrichment Program, and served as codirector of ASU’s Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology and Minority Access to Research Careers programs. He has been chairman of the Zoology, then Biology Department at ASU. At the National Science Foundation he was Director of the Population Biology and Physiological Ecology Program (1985-1986) and Assistant Director for Biological Sciences (2005-2009). Dr. Collins has a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, and is an elected fellow of AAAS and the Association for Women in Science.