- Our Q&A with festival organizers explores the inspiration behind the event as they power up to welcome gamers to ATLAS for a day devoted to all things games.
- ATLAS Teaching Assistant Professor Danny Rankin discusses design, logo and branding on the Feb. 2 episode of Donuts, Design & Debate, a podcast about design from the creators of SketchUp Talk.
- Miniature cardboard arcades, ketchup and mustard bottle game controllers, physically mining for cryptocurrency and manic pizza, candy and gold stock trading over the phone: These are the concepts behind four games developed
- ATLAS Institute's Whaaat!? Festival has returned from the virtual wilderness! Back in-person in November, the fourth annual event promises an arcade and conference packed with phenomenal guest speakers, bizarre games and experimental interactions.
- As part of the ATLAS Institute’s third annual Whaaat!? Festival, Tracy Fullerton, game designer and creator of the award-winning, "Walden, a game" will lead an interactive excursion into the world of nature and video games in an online talk on Feb. 24. Fullerton is a professor in the USC Games program at the University of Southern California and the director of the university's Game Innovation Lab.
- ATLAS Institute’s third annual Whaaat!? Festival announces its second event, an Oct. 28 talk with John Sharp, author of "Works of Game." In place of the in-person, all-day annual event, the festival has switched to remote programming that will last throughout the academic year.
- ATLAS Instructor and BTU Lab co-director Danny Rankin speaks about video games on this episode of "Brainwaves: Video games and the serious business, art behind esports".
- "To the powerful, to anyone who hides behind a brand, be warned: We know what fonts you use. We've read your brand guidelines. And if you won't tell the truth, we'll steal your voice and tell it for you." These are the words ATLAS Instructor Danny Rankin ended his TEDxMileHigh talk with on Nov. 16, 2019, and they were met with enthusiastic and prolonged applause.
- ATLAS Instructor Danny Rankin's and husband and wife duo, Matt and Lisa Bethancourt's fast-paced, multi-player stock trading game has been chosen to exhibit at alt.ctrl.GDC, a coveted showcase of alternative control schemes and interactions, held during the world's largest professional game developer's conference.
- Danny Rankin spoke at the TEDx MileHigh event, "Imagine" on November 16, 2019. Rankin directs the ATLAS Institute's Whaaat!?! Lab for game design and is a mentor at ATLAS’ BTU Lab. [video:https://youtu.be/iagWhasv6cI?si=