ATLAS Graduation Spring 2024

Academic Programs in Creative Technology & Design

Thursday, May 9, 2024

On behalf of the University of Colorado Boulder College of Engineering & Applied Science and the ATLAS Institute, family and friends of ATLAS graduating students are cordially invited to attend the ATLAS Spring 2024 graduation. The ceremony will follow the university commencement, just a short walk from Folsom Field at the Visual Arts Complex/VAC Plaza, located between the Roser ATLAS Center and the University Memorial Center.

There will be separate ceremonies for undergraduate and graduate students who have successfully completed requirements for their courses of study, as well as casual receptions open to all graduating students and their families. 

We would also like to congratulate the ATLAS students who won Graduating Student Awards from the College of Engineering and Applied Science and the ATLAS Institute Outstanding Undergraduate Student Awards! You can find out more about the winners on the 2024 ATLAS Student Awards page.

Undergraduate Ceremony & Reception

11:30 AM - Gather in the Roser ATLAS Center lobby
12:00 PM - Ceremony commences in the tent in the VAC Plaza
1:00 PM - Reception in the VAC Plaza

Master's & PhD Ceremony & Reception

1:00 PM - Reception in Roser ATLAS Center lobby
1:30 PM - Students gather in the lobby to line up
2:00 PM - Ceremony commences in the tent in the VAC Plaza

Notes for Graduating Students

  • University Commencement: Find complete event details on when to arrive, where to sit and what to bring to CU Boulder's commencement ceremony.
  • Festivities: Students have the chance to participate in graduation-related events across campus.
  • Parking: The university provides detailed parking and shuttle instructions. For those who seek ADA accessible parking, lot 204 and the Euclid garage (205) are the closest to ATLAS.
  • If you require any accommodations to participate in, engage with or attend ATLAS graduation, please contact Stephanie Wanek at as soon as possible.

Notes for Guests

The University of Colorado Boulder is committed to hosting accessible and inclusive experiences for its diverse community members. If you require accommodations to participate in, engage with, or attend the graduation ceremonies of the ATLAS Institute and academic programs in Creative Technology & Design, please contact Stephanie Wanek at the ATLAS Front Office (email: Please reach out no later than two weeks before the event. We will make all reasonable efforts to fulfill requests submitted after the deadline; however, requests received after the deadline cannot be guaranteed as it is dependent on the service provider’s availability.