Forever Buffs Marching Band

The purpose of the Chapter is to assist the University of Colorado Department of Bands with any activities that will support the Department and help promote the athletic bands at University of Colorado, whether through financial or physical contributions. The Chapter also provides an outlet for former University of Colorado “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band members to return and participate in Homecoming weekend activities and the Alumni Marching Band.

During our times as members of the Golden Buffalo Marching Band we found a community and a sense of belonging that is hard to come by, and our organization seeks to create an even larger community where all the generations of Golden Buffalo Marching Band members can come together again to support the program that meant so much to us.
President: Jessica Finlay-Schultz

Sign up for the Forever Buffs Marching Band mailing list! This is where we will send all updates on Homecoming Band and other events.

Alumni Band Business Meeting Agenda

Included in Saturday’s Homecoming activities will be our yearly official Business Meeting for the University of Colorado “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band Alumni (AKA Silver Buffs Alumni Band). This is very much your alumni association. Created by alumni, for alumni so that we can continue supporting the collegiate band and celebrating our bond long after we have graduated.

We will update everyone on the status of our Alumni Association, including our budget, charitable organization status, and plans for future events.

Everyone is encouraged to bring suggestions for future events, changes you’d like to see at next year’s Homecoming, and any other input you may have for the board.

The final order of business this year will be to elect new board members. Open positions this year are those of Vice President, Treasurer, and two at-large board
positions; all positions have two-year terms.

This is your Alumni Association and it won’t run without great leadership. Please consider putting your name in the hat – what a great opportunity to shape the future of our organization!

Elections Procedures

Nominations will be accepted prior to and during the Annual Business Meeting. Self-nominations are fine. If you have been nominated and are unable to attend the annual Business Meeting held the day of the Homecoming game, please submit the Absentee Nomination Form to Stephanie LuttrellVoting will be done by a show of hands of all Alumni at the Business Meeting.

If you are unable to attend the Business Meeting but would like to vote, you may submit an absentee ballot by emailing Stephanie Luttrell with your choices before the Business Meeting. We will update the website with all nominations as we get them.

Election FAQ

Golden Buffalo Alumni Marching Band

Created May 26, 2014; Amended October 17, 2015

Article 1 - Name

The name of the organization shall be the University of Colorado “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band Alumni, also known as the Silver Buffalo Alumni Band, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter.

Article 2 - Purpose and Mission

The purpose of the Chapter is to assist the University of Colorado Department of Bands with any activities that will support the Department and help promote the athletic bands at University of Colorado, whether through financial or physical contributions.  The Chapter also intends to provide an outlet for former University of Colorado “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band members to return and participate in Homecoming weekend activities and the Alumni Marching Band.

Article 3 - Membership

Membership shall consist of these categories:

Full Member - former University of Colorado students who participated in the “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band for at least one semester and graduated from the University of Colorado, and those that have held faculty or staff positions within the Department of Bands at the University of Colorado;

Associate Member - former University of Colorado students who participated in the “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band for at least one semester but did not graduate from the University of Colorado; and

Honorary Member - longtime supporters of the Department of Bands who did not participate in the “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band.  Honorary Members are those designated by the Board of the Chapter.

Only Full and Associate members may vote on Board elections and any other business that may come before the group.

Article 4 - Board of Officers and Directions

Section 1.  General Powers.  The business of the Chapter shall be managed by its Board of Officers and Directors and associated committee(s).

Section 2.  Officers, Directors and Number.  The Chapter Officer positions shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Officers shall also be voting members of the Board of Officers and Directors. Additional members may be added to the Board as Directors.

The Board shall not exceed eleven (11) members or seat less than four (4) members at any time, which number shall include the four (4) Chapter officers. At least two (2) board members – including at least one (1) Officer – must live within 50 miles of CU-Boulder.

The current Director of Bands and Director of the “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band will also sit on the Board as ex officio liaisons to maintain contact and coordination with the Department of Bands, but they are not counted as part of the regular eleven and have no official Board vote. However, the University of Colorado “Golden Buffalo” Marching Band may appoint one member of its staff as an additional voting Board member of the board. 

Section 3.  Regular Meetings.  Meetings of the Board shall be held monthly, at a time and in a format selected at the discretion of the officers.  The entire Chapter membership will meet at the Annual Meeting as described below.  Any member of the Chapter at-large may request an invite to any regular meeting.  This request must be approved by the President.

Section 4.  Annual Meeting.  The Annual Meeting of the Chapter will be held during Homecoming weekend with the date and time set according to the schedule of the weekend.

Section 5.  Quorum.  A majority of the current number of Board members – including at least one officer - fixed in Section 2 shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. If less than such quorum is present at a meeting, a majority of the members present may adjourn the meeting without further notice.

Section 6.  Voting Rights.  Except as set forth herein, each voting member of the Board of Officers and Directors is entitled to one vote, regardless of the number of committee members attending any meeting.  Board members must be present at the meeting to vote or have their vote submitted to the President by proxy before voting has taken place.

Section 7.  Nominations.  Nominations for Officers and Directors may be made by any member of the Chapter.  Elections shall be by majority vote of the voting Chapter members present at the following Annual Meeting. Members unable to attend the Annual Meeting shall be allowed a vote by proxy in a format specified by the Board prior to the election.

Section 8.  Election and Term of Office.  The Board of Officers and Directors shall be elected to two year terms at the Annual Meeting. Elections will occur at every Annual Meeting, with half the Directors (including Vice President and Treasurer) elected on even numbered calendar years and half the Directors (including President and Secretary) elected on odd calendar years.  An Officer or Director is elected for a two year term, and may seek re-election at the end of his or her term. There are no term limits for Board members.

Section 9.  Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by a member in good standing of the Chapter, to be elected by a majority vote of the Board at the next meeting.  Nominations may be submitted to the President by any current member of the Chapter for consideration by the Board. Vacancies filled at a meeting other than the General Meeting will be considered 'interim,' and their permanent status must be voted on at the next General Meeting, even if the position would normally call for a longer term.

Section 10.  Removal.  Any Board member may be removed, either with or without cause, at any time, by three-fourths vote of all current Board members at any special meeting called for that purpose.  Any Board member who misses three (3) regular meetings in a row will automatically have their status put up for discussion and potential vote at the next regular meeting.

Section 11.  Special Meetings: At least two (2) Board members – including at least one (1) officer – may call for a Special Meeting to be held in the interim between any two regularly scheduled meetings.  The purpose must be made known to all members of the Board, with the agenda limited in focus to the topic proposed. At least a quorum of the Board must be present.

Section 12.  Action items: At least 5 hours in advance of a regular or special meeting, the president is to present all known action items to the Board.  Any Board members not planning to be in attendance must submit their vote prior to the start of a meeting to be counted by proxy.

Article 5 - Finances

Section 1.  Dues.  No local dues for membership in the Chapter shall be charged. All Chapter activities shall be self-supporting. Financial security of each activity shall be a major consideration of the Board.

Section 2.  Contracts.  The Board may authorize any officer or officers, agents or agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Chapter, and such authority may be general or confined to specific circumstances.

Section 3.  Checks, drafts, etc.  All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Chapter shall be signed by the treasurer, and reviewable by the Board. Qualified expenses incurred on Chapter business are to be reimbursed, as allowed by the Board.

Section 4.  Deposits. All funds of the Chapter not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Chapter in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board may select.

Section 5.  Proper use of donated funds: All contributions to the Chapter are to be used in accordance to the donors' intentions.  All funds will be used at the Chapters' discretion unless otherwise specified by the donor at the time of donation. Records are to be maintained by the Treasurer indicating any associated restrictions, and ultimate use by the Chapter.

Article 6 - Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Chapter shall begin on the first (1st) day of July, and end on the thirtieth (30th) day of June in each year.

Article 7 - Dissolution

On dissolution of the Chapter, assets shall be distributed to or for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article 8 - Amendments

The Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed, and new Bylaws may be adopted, in whole or in part, by a two-thirds vote of all current members of the Chapter entitled to vote at any Annual Meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

Board meetings are currently held on a monthly basis.  If you would like to attend a board meeting, please contact us at

Board Members


Stephanie Shafer

Favorite Memory: My favorite memory has to be the 2001 Big XII Championship Game against Texas. After a terribly embarrassing away trip to Texas earlier that year, we were able to defeat them in one of the most anxiety producing games ever. However, every away trip, every practice, and every game day, stay with me to this day. There was nothing like the feeling you get when you run out onto the field at half time, or being given a chance to seek greatness for two hours every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That is what the Golden Buffalo Marching Band is all about, seeking and finding the best you can be.

What I've been up to: I am still living in Boulder and am the mother of a wonderful seven year old boy named Cameron. I also got married this last June to my best friend, Jason Shafer, and I am working as an account manager and office assistant at a company called Output Services. All together things are awesome.


Lily Kim

Favorite Memory: My favorite memory is probably the first game I played, which was Rocky Mountain Showdown. I remember warming up with my section under the bridge at Mile High, and just learning all of the traditions that went into a whole game day. On the ride back, we sang the Alma Mater when we came over the last hill into Boulder, which was the first time I had done that. The whole day was just so fun because it was when I really felt like I became friends with my section.

What I’ve been up to: Not much. I live in California and do marketing for a toy company. I have two cats and live with another Baritone from the GBMB. I watch a lot of movies and tv, and travel home when I can for football.


Jessica Finlay-Schultz

Favorite Piccolo Memory: Watching Kansas fans tear down their goal posts on our away trip my freshman year, as the announcer did a play-by-play over the loudspeakers ("Guys, where are you going with those? What do you think you're going to do with them?") and we played until the whole stadium finally cleared out. And of course, the 62-36 win over Nebraska in 2001 that ended up with a trip to the Fiesta Bowl ("Duh-dum-duh-dum-dum Fiesta Bowl, duh-dum-duh-dum-dum The Party Bowl" - thanks, Larry!).

Favorite Trombone Memory: Late nights playing Super Smash Bros at Bear Creek with the section (and beating the crap out of them with Pikachu!), and the CSU game where I chased down a drunk fan that stole a cymbal player's hat then watched him run himself into a tree. At least I got the hat back, and didn't damage my horn!

What I’ve been up to: Married Ray Schultz (Drumline, 1996-2000) in 2005; we have three cats and live in Aurora. I'm doing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Anschutz Medical Campus in the field of hormone receptor positive breast cancer and hope to stay in academia as long as I can. I also volunteer with the CU Marching Band as their Uniform Coordinator, which keeps me feeling young!


Stephanie Lange

Favorite Memory: The full band trip to Stillwater, OK in 2005. CU beat OSU in a shutout for their homecoming and the team awarded the game ball to the band. I kissed the game ball on the bus. Plus, there was an awesome pancake dinner at the homestay high school football game the night before. On a related note, that trip is the reason I dislike the Notre Dame Victory March.

What I’m up to: I work as a Software Developer in Denver, CO and live with my two cats.

Board Member

Eric Pasion

Favorite Memory: Marching out of Texas Stadium after beating Texas in the 2001 Big XII Championship game, then being so tired I slept the second I sat down the flight home. I didn’t choose 62-36 because my brain never fully comprehended what happened in that game, so I don’t remember it very well.

What I’m up to: I married my Section Leader (Melinda Dutton – Trombone 1998-2002) in 2015 currently live on the Space Coast of Florida with our Cat, Jupiter. I work in Information Technology, while she works as a NASA contractor. For some reason, my suitcase label is still on the inside of the original Bone Cone.

Board Member

Danielle Eves

Danielle graduated from CU in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts in Molecular Cellular & Developmental Biology as well as Psychology and a certificate in Neuroscience. After her undergraduate years, she went on to attend and graduate from University of Colorado School of Medicine and  then residency in Family Medicine. She met her husband in the GBMB, and together they continue to cheer on the Buffs!
Board Member

Anna Hirschmann
Drum Major (2020-2022)
Piccolo (2019)

Favorite memory: Honestly, the faces people would make at me while I was up on the ladder or on the podium. I loved knowing everyone in the band and feeling connected to them in such a unique way.

What I’m up to: I am currently pursuing my Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at CU! I still attend all of the football games and participate in CU’s concert band, and I love still getting to be around the GBMB.

Board Member

Melissa Crook
Colorguard (1999-2000)
Drumline (2001-2002)
Clarinet (2003)

Favorite memory: The 62-36 game against Nebraska! What an atmosphere at that game. And winning the Big XII championship that year was amazing. Also, meeting so many folks that have become lifelong friends. 

What I’m up to: Living and working in Seattle with my husband, Zach (trombone 2003-2007), and our son. Watching CU sports when I can!

Board Member

Anika Hagan
Drum Major (2022)
Piccolo (2019-2021)

Favorite Memory: There are too many to pick from! I’d have to say that one of my favorite memories every year was the lip sync battle at band camp. It was so amazing to laugh with everyone while being absolutely sleep deprived from the week of band camp. It was such a great way to bond with everyone and just get closer.

What I’m up to: I’m currently 3 months into my first job out of college as a software engineer. I live in Broomfield, so I’m still really close to Boulder. I tried to go to as many football games as I could this last fall, and absolutely love supporting the buffs and seeing all my friends who are still in the GBMB as much as possible. Sko buffs!

Board Member

Nathan Nutting

Band Department Liaison

Event Calendar
