The Accessibility Standards and Issues Database (also known as the A11y Database) is an AUL project that began in 2015. It is developed and maintained by Amelia Dickerson. The goal of the database is to translate between user experiences and accessibility standards.

Our content is unique in that we describe accessibility issues from a user’s perspective. Most resources will tell you what to do and what not to do when creating a table or implementing menus. Our database starts with the user experience, describes how it makes it difficult to access information, provides a list of relevant WCAG 2.0 standards, and in some cases provides guidance about how to start fixing the problem. We take this approach because often a content creator is working in a setting where they are using code from multiple frameworks, libraries and tools, so isolating the source of an accessibility issue involves more than creating a single element properly; we want creators to be able to understand exactly what is going on for the user and the user’s assistive technology.

On the Accessibility Standards and Issues Database (A11y Database), you will find a table with a list of problems screen reader and magnifier users have encountered over the past couple years while testing in our lab. You can search by keyword, or by browsing through the list. Each issue contains a short description, a longer one that goes into more depth, and links to related WCAG 2.0 principles and criteria. Some issues also include a video demonstration and/or recommendations for fixing the problem. If the issue is not exactly what you were looking for, there is also a list of related issues that might help you find what you want. Finally, there is a page where you can go the opposite direction and find issues based on current WCAG criteria.