DAO Open House

An archive of materials from 50+ open discussion sessions on digital accessibility from 2017-2020.

Past sessions: 2020

  • February 11 - The AUL testing process
    • A discussion of the testing process from scripting to testing to reporting. Experience a test in action as we demonstrate the process using the new Buff Portal as an example.

    • Open discussion on the future of accessibility testing. What are you looking for when you have accessibility concerns about your website and applications? How can the AUL best meet your needs? …and any other questions you might have for us.

    • If you were unable to attend, please review the recording of the open house (opens a Google drive folder).

  • January 28, 11am-12pm - Forum for the campus digital accessibility group members
  • January 14 - Digital Accessibility Office tactical plan for 2020

Past sessions: 2019

  • December 31 - no session, campus closing early before holidays
  • December 17 - 2019 in review
  • December 3 - What we learned at AHG 2019
  • November 19 - no session, most staff is out at Accessing Higher Ground conference
  • November 5 - Bad website demos with various assistive technology (system-wide session)
  • October 22 - Halloween session: What are we afraid of?
  • October 8 - News from the 4th Accessibility Testing Symposium (Mike Williamson)
  • September 24  - Current affairs: most interesting news or projects from each DAO member
  • September 10 - PowerPoint accessibility
  • August 27 - Start of the semester checklist for faculty: is there room for similar approaches for staff and developers? (session 50)
  • August 13 - Forks in the road: Early choices in our accessibility program
    • Presenters Dan Jones, Larry Levine, and John Meister will discuss some early decisions made in the digital accessibility program and how they influenced the development of the program and our approach to accessibility.
  • July 30  - Managing risk and accessibility clauses in the procurement workflow (Mike Williamson)
  • July 16  - Three core services of our program: procurement support, OIT project support, OIT service manager support
  • June 18, July 2 - canceled (SRS retreat and holidays)
  • June 4 - The bottomless pit of IT accessibility (Amelia Dickerson)
  • May 21 - Comparing the findings from the Access and participation in higher education report to our own research finding (Kevin Darcy)
  • May 7 - What we learned from meeting with SUNY accessibility team
  • April 23 - Preview of system-level accessibility work coming this Summer
  • April 9 - Who we are: taking stock of the digital accessibility program 5 years in
  • March 26  - Prioritizing accessibility work: exploring the relationship of effort and user impact for accessibility practices
  • March 12 - The almost finished draft of the new digital accessibility standards (led by Amelia Dickerson)
  • February 26 - Open discussion
  • February 12 - Live PDF remediation demo with Mike Williamson
  • January 29 - Syllabus clinic preview (April 2019)
  • January 15 - The teams and committees in the accessibility space - what do they do and what can you learn from them?
  • January 1 - no session, holiday break

Past sessions: 2018

Past sessions: 2017