STEM Routes Bookclub
Bookclub Members
Bookclub Info
How to Join
Our main hub for all bookish things is the STEM Routes Slack #bookclub channel. If you'd like to join, send us an email at and we'll give you the invitation link to the channel. Within this Slack channel, we share information about upcoming bookclub meetings.
Our main hub for all bookish things is on the STEM Routes Slack in the #bookclub channel. Additionally, we also meet once a week via Zoom to discuss our current read. Currently, these meetings take place at 3 p.m. on Mondays. Please let us know if you can't make this time! We frequently revisit our meeting times to ensure they are accessible to everyone who wants to get involved.
Where do I get the bookclub books?
We are looking to secure funding to purchase your book copies for you if you are involved and active in the club while we decide on the title. You can read our bookclub book in any format you'd like! We do our best to select books that are also available as audiobooks so as to be as accessible as possible for you all.
If you have any suggestions, please let us know!
Currently Reading
We just finished our last book! This is a great time to join the bookclub and help us choose the next title to read and discuss! Email us at to join the bookclub.
Reading Schedule
We will announce the reading schedule once we have selected our next title!