Lower Río Verde Archaeology
Hepp, G. D. 2022a. Heterarchy and the Emergence of Social Complexity in Early Formative Period Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico. In Framing Complexity in Formative Mesoamerica, edited by L. DeLance and G. M. Feinman, pp. 19–54. University Press of Colorado, Louisville, CO.
Hepp, G. D. 2022b. Landfalls, Sunbursts, and the Capacha Problem: A Case for Pacific Coastal Interaction in Early Formative Period Mesoamerica. In Waves of Influence: Pacific Maritime Networks Connecting Mexico, Central America, and Northwestern South America, edited by C. S. Beekman and C. McEwan, pp. 147–166. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Washington, D.C.
Hepp, G. D. 2022c. Full Bellies, Ringing Ears, and Smoke in Their Eyes: The Sensations of Social Change in Mesoamerica’s Early Formative Period. In Identities, Experience, and Change in Early Mexican Villages, edited by C. E. Santasilia, G. D. Hepp, and R. A. Diehl. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Hepp, G. D. 2019a. Interaction and Exchange in Early Formative Western and Central Mesoamerica: New Data from Coastal Oaxaca. In Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by J. D. Englehardt and M. D. Carrasco, pp. 51–82. University Press of Colorado, Louisville, CO.
Hepp, G. D. 2019b. Radiocarbon Evidence for Initial Early Formative Period Occupation in Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 30(2):437–444.
Mayes, Arion and Arthur A. Joyce. 2017. The bioarchaeology of the Cerro de la Cruz cemetery, Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.01.039.
Stark, Barbara L., Matthew A. Boxt, Janine Gasco, Rebecca B. González Lauck, Jessica D. Hedgepeth Balkin, Arthur A. Joyce, Stacie M. King, Charles L.F. Knight, Robert Kruger, Marc N. Levine, Richard G. Lesure, Rebecca Mendelsohn, Marx Navarro-Castillo, Hector Neff, Michael Ohnersorgen, Christopher A. Pool, L. Mark Raab, Robert M. Rosenswig, Marcie Venter, Barbara Voorhies, David T. Williams, Andrew Workinger. 2016. Economic Growth in Mesoamerica: Obsidian Consumption in the Coastal Lowlands. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 41:263-282.
Joyce, A.A., S.B. Barber, J. Brzezinski, C.J. Lucido, and V. Salazar Chávez. 2016. Negotiating Political Authority and Community in Terminal Formative Coastal Oaxaca. In Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, edited by Sarah Kurnick and Joanne Baron, pp. 61-96. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Hepp, G. D., and I. A. Rieger. 2014.
Hepp, G. D., and I. A. Rieger. 2014. Aspects of Dress and Ornamentation in Coastal Oaxaca’s Formative Period. In Wearing Culture: Dress and Regalia in Early Mesoamerica and Central America, edited by H. Orr, and M. Looper, 115–44.
White, D. A. and S. B. Barber. 2012.
White, D. A. and S. B. Barber. 2012. Geospatial modeling of pedestrian transportation networks: a case study from precolumbian Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science 39:2684-2696.
Levine, M. N., A. A. Joyce, and M. D.
Levine, M. N., A. A. Joyce, and M. D. Glascock. 2011. Shifting patterns of obsidian exchange in Postclassic Oaxaca, Mexico. Ancient Mesoamerica 22(1):123-133.
Joyce, A. A. and S. B. Barber. 2011.
Joyce, A. A. and S. B. Barber. 2011. Excavating the acropolis at Río Viejo, Oaxaca, Mexico. Mexicon 33(1):15-20.
Levine, Marc N. 2011. Negotiating Political Economy at Late Postclassic Tututepec (Yucu Dzaa). American Anthropologist 113(1):22-39.
King, S. M. 2011a. Thread Production in Early Postclassic Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico: Technology, Intensity, and Gender. Ancient Mesoamerica 22(2):323-343.
King, S. M. and G. Sánchez Santiago. 2011.
King, S. M. and G. Sánchez Santiago. 2011. Soundscapes of the Everyday in Ancient Oaxaca, Mexico. Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress 7(2):387-422.
Mayes, Arion, Anamay Melmed and Sarah B. Barber. 2009.
Mayes, Arion, Anamay Melmed and Sarah B. Barber. 2009. Stigmata of Congenital Syphilis on a High Status Juvenile at Yugüe, Oaxaca, Mexico. Dental Anthropology 22(3):73-84.
Workinger, A. and A. A. Joyce. 2009.
Workinger, A. and A. A. Joyce. 2009. Reconsidering warfare in Formative period Oaxaca. In Blood and Beauty: Organized Violence in the Art and Archaeology of the Americas, edited by R. Koontz and H. Orr, pp. 3-38. Cotsen Institute Press, Los Angeles
Joyce, A. A. 2008a. Domination, negotiation, and collapse: A history of centralized authority on the Oaxaca Coast. In Changing Cloud Formations: Late Classic/Postclassic Sociopolitical Transformations in Oaxaca, edited by J. Blomster, pp. 219-254. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Mayes, Arion T. and Sarah B. Barber. 2008.
Mayes, Arion T. and Sarah B. Barber. 2008. Osteobiography of a high status burial from the lower Río Verde Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 18:573-588.
Joyce, A. A., A. Workinger, B. Hamann, and M. N. Levine. 2008.
Joyce, A. A., A. Workinger, B. Hamann, and M. N. Levine. 2008. The archaeology and Codical History of Tututepec (Yucu Dzaa). In Mixtec Writing and Society/Esritura de Ñuu Dzaui, edited by M. Jansen and L. van Broekhoven, pp. 233-251. KNAW, Amsterdam.
King, S. M. 2008a. The Spatial Organization of Food Sharing in Early Postclassic Households: An Application of Soil Chemistry in Ancient Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(5):1224-1239.
King, S. M. 2008b. Interregional Networks of the Oaxacan Early Postclassic: Connecting the Coast and Highlands. In After Monte Albán: Transformation and Negotiation in Oaxaca, Mexico, edited by Jeffrey Blomster, pp. 255-291. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Joyce, A. A. 2006. The inhabitation of Río Viejo’s acropolis. In Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology, edited by E. C. Robertson, J. D. Seibert, D. C. Fernández, and M. U. Zender, pp. 83-96. University of New Mexico Press and University of Calgary Press, Albuquerque and Calgary.
Joyce A. A., H. Neff, M. S. Thieme, M. Winter, J. M. Elam, and A. Workinger. 2006.
Joyce A. A., H. Neff, M. S. Thieme, M. Winter, J. M. Elam, and A. Workinger. 2006. Ceramic production and exchange in Late/Terminal Formative period Oaxaca. Latin American Antiquity 17(4):579-594. King, S. M. 2006.
King, S. M. 2006. The Making of Age in Ancient Coastal Oaxaca. In The Social Experience of Childhood in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by Traci Ardren and Scott R. Hutson, pp. 103-132. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Joyce, A. A., A. Workinger, B. Hamann, P. Kroefges, M. Oland, and S. King. 2004a.
Joyce, A. A., A. Workinger, B. Hamann, P. Kroefges, M. Oland, and S. King. 2004a. Lord 8 Deer “Jaguar Claw” and the Land of the Sky: The archaeology and history of Tututepec. Latin American Antiquity 15(3):273-297.
Joyce, A. A. 2003. Imperialism in Pre-Aztec Mesoamerica: Monte Albán, Teotihuacan, and the lower Río Verde Valley. In Ancient Mesoamerica Warfare, edited by M. K. Brown and T. M. Stanton, pp. 9-72. Alta Mira Press, Walnut Creek.
Joyce, A. A., L. Arnaud Bustamante, and M. N. Levine. 2001.
Joyce, A. A., L. Arnaud Bustamante, and M. N. Levine. 2001. Commoner power: A Case Study from the Classic Period collapse on the Oaxaca coast. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 8(4):343-385.
Urcid, J. and A. A. Joyce. 2001.
Urcid, J. and A. A. Joyce. 2001. Carved monuments and calendrical names: The rulers of Río Viejo, Oaxaca. Ancient Mesoamerica 12(2):199-216.
Joyce, A. A. and S. M. King. 2001.
Joyce, A. A. and S. M. King. 2001. Household archaeology in coastal Oaxaca. Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies (http://www.famsi.org/reports/99012/index.html)
Zeitlin, R. N. and A. A. Joyce. 1999.
Zeitlin, R. N. and A. A. Joyce. 1999. The Zapotec-Imperialism argument: Insights from The Oaxaca Coast. Current Anthropology 40(3):383-392.
Joyce, A. A., J. M. Elam, M. D. Glascock, H. Neff, and M. C. Winter. 1995.
Joyce, A. A., J. M. Elam, M. D. Glascock, H. Neff, and M. C. Winter. 1995. Exchange implications of obsidian source analysis from the lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 6(1): 3-15.
Joyce, A. A. 1994a. Late Formative community organization and social complexity on the Oaxaca coast. Journal of Field Archaeology 21(2):147-168.
Joyce, A. A. 1993. Interregional interaction and social development on the Oaxaca coast. Ancient Mesoamerica 4(1):67-84.
Joyce, A. A. 1991. Formative period social change in the lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 2(2):126‑150.
Arqueologia del Valle del Bajo Rio Verde en Español
Hepp, Guy David, José Aguilar, and Paul A. Sandberg. 2020.
Hepp, Guy David, José Aguilar, and Paul A. Sandberg. 2020. Contextos Mortuorios en La Consentida, Oaxaca, durante el Formativo Temprano. Anales de Antropología 54(1):57–69.
Mayes, A., S. B. Barber, A. A. Joyce and M. M. Butler. 2020.
Mayes, A., S. B. Barber, A. A. Joyce and M. M. Butler. 2020. Cambio social en el bajo Río Verde, Oaxaca, México: Una perspectiva bioarqueológica. Anales de Antropología 54 (1):71-79
Levine, M. N. y A. A. Joyce. 2014.
Levine, M. N. y A. A. Joyce. 2014. Las evidencias arqueológicas de la antigua capital de Tututepec. In Panorama Arqueológico: Dos Oaxacas, editado por Marcus Winter y Gonzalo Sánchez Santiago, pp. 135-151. Centro INAH Oaxaca, Oaxaca.
Barber, S. B. 2011. Complejidad política de la perspectiva local: Comunidades durante el período Preclásico Terminal en el bajo Río Verde. En Monte Albán en la encrucijada regional y disciplinaria. Memoria de la quinta Mesa Redonda de Monte Albán, editado por N. M. Robles García y Á. I. Rivera Guzmán, pp. 375-390. Centro INAH-Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México.
Joyce, A. A. 2009a. La acrópolis de Río Viejo: Una biografía de lugar. En Bases de la Complejidad Social en Oaxaca,Memoria de la Cuarta Mesa Redonda de Monte Albán, editado por N. Robles, pp. 529-554. INAH, Mexico City.
Joyce, A. A. y M. N. Levine. 2008.
Joyce, A. A. y M. N. Levine. 2008. La arqueología e historia de Tututepec (Yucu Dzaa): Un imperio del Posclásico en la Mixteca de la Costa. Arqueología Mexicana 15(90):44-47.
Joyce, A. A. 2005. La arqueología del bajo Río Verde. Acervos 29:16-36.
Joyce, A. A., A. Workinger, y B. Hamann. 2004b.
Joyce, A. A., A. Workinger, y B. Hamann. 2004b. Tututepec: Un centro imperial del Postclásico en la costa de Oaxaca. En Estructuras Políticas en el Oaxaca Antiguo, Memoria de la Tercera Mesa Redonda de Monte Albán, editado por N. M. Robles, pp. 205-230. INAH, Mexico City.
Urcid, J. y A. A. Joyce. 1999.
Urcid, J. y A. A. Joyce. 1999. Monumentos grabados y nombres calendáricos: Los Antiguos gobernantes de Río Viejo, Oaxaca. Arqueología 22:17-39.
Joyce, A. A. y M. Winter. 1989.
Joyce, A. A. y M. Winter. 1989. Investigaciones arqueológicas en la cuenca del Río Verde inferior, 1988. Notas Mesoamericanas 11:249‑262.
Religion and Politics
Joyce, A. A. 2021. Monte Albán and Early Urbanization in the Valley of Oaxaca: Maize, Mountains, and Monuments. In Mesoamerican Archaeology: Theory and Practice, Second Edition. Edited by Julia A Hendon, Lisa Overholtzer, and Rosemary A. Joyce, pp. 203-228. Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden.
Joyce, A. A. 2020c. Mapping Agricultural Assemblages in Ancient Oaxaca from the Domestication of Maize to the Collapse of Monte Albán. World Archaeology 52(3):353-375.
Joyce, A. A. 2020b. Animating Public Buildings in Formative- Period Oaxaca: Political and Ontological Implications. In Sacred Matter: Animism and Authority in Pre-Columbian America, edited by S. Kosiba, J. W. Janusek, and T. Cummins, pp. 327-356. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.
Joyce, A. A. 2020a. Assembling the City: Monte Albán as a Mountain of Creation and Sustenance. In New Materialisms Ancient Urbanisms, edited by Susan M. Alt and Timothy R. Pauketat, pp. 65-93. Routledge, New York and London.
Hepp, G.D., S. B. Barber, J. S. Brzezinski, A. A. Joyce and R. L. Wedemeyer. 2020
Hepp, G.D., S. B. Barber, J. S. Brzezinski, A. A. Joyce and R. L. Wedemeyer. 2020. The Symbolism, Use, and Archaeological Context of Masks in Formative Period Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico.Cambridge Archaeological Journal 30(2):257-274.
Joyce, A. A. 2018. New Directions in the Archaeology of Religion and Politics in the Americas. In Religion and Politics in the Ancient Americas, edited by S. B. Barber and A. A. Joyce, pp. 1-26. Routledge, London and New York.
Brzezinski, J. S., A. A. Joyce, and S. B. Barber. 2017
Brzezinski, J. S., A. A. Joyce, and S. B. Barber. 2017. Constituting Animacy and Community in a Terminal Formative Bundled Offering from the Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 27(3):511-531.
Joyce, A.A. and S.B. Barber. 2016. Alternative Pathways to Power in Formative Oaxaca. In Alternative Pathways to Complexity: A Collection of Essays on Architecture, Economics, Power, and Cross-Cultural Analysis, edited by L. Fargher and V. Heredia Espinoza, pp. 41-58. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Joyce, A. A. 2016. Mixtec Empire. In Encyclopedia of Empire, edited by John M. MacKenzie, pp. 1-2. John Wiley & Sons, Malden, MA.
Joyce, A. A. 2016. Zapotec Empire. In Encyclopedia of Empire, edited by John M. MacKenzie, pp. 1-3. John Wiley & Sons, Malden, MA.
Joyce, A. A. & Barber, S. 2016
Joyce, A.A., S.B. Barber, J. Brzezinski, C.J. Lucido, and V. Salazar Chávez. 2016. Negotiating Political Authority and Community in Terminal Formative Coastal Oaxaca. In Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, edited by Sarah Kurnick and Joanne Baron, pp. 61-96. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Joyce, A.A., S.B. Barber, J. Brzezinski, C.J. Lucido, and V. Salazar Chávez. 2016. Negotiating Political Authority and Community in Terminal Formative Coastal Oaxaca. In Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, edited by Sarah Kurnick and Joanne Baron, pp. 61-96. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Joyce, A. A. & Barber, S. 2015
Joyce, Arthur A. and Sarah B. Barber. 2015. Ensoulment, Entrapment, and Political Centralization: A Comparative Study of Religion and Politics in Later Formative Oaxaca. Current Anthropology 56(6):819-847.
Barber, S.B., A. Workinger and A. Joyce. 2014. Situational Inalienability and Social Change in Formative Period Coastal Oaxaca. In Inalienable Possessions in the Archaeology of Mesoamerica, edited by B. Kovacevich and M. G. Callaghan, pp. 38-53. American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
Hepp, G.D., S.B. Barber, and A.A. Joyce. 2014. Communing with Nature, the Ancestors, and the Neighbors: Ancient Ceramic Musical Instruments from Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico.World Archaeology, online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00438243.2014.909100.
Urcid, J. and A. A. Joyce. 2014. Early Transformations of Monte Albán’s Main Plaza and Their Political Implications, 500 BC-AD 200. In Mesoamerican Plazas, edited by K. Tsukamoto and T. Inomata, pp. 149-167. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Barber, S. B., and G. D. Hepp. 2012. Ancient Aerophones of Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico: The Archaeological and Social Context of Music. In Studien Zur Musickarchäologie VIII: Sound from the Past: The Interpretation of Musical Artifacts in an Archaeological Context, edited by R. Eichmann, J. Fang, and L.-C. Koch, pp. 259–70. Rahden/Westf: VML.
Barber, S. B., and M. Olvera Sánchez. 2012. A Divine Wind: The Arts of Death and Music in Terminal Formative Oaxaca. Ancient Mesoamerica 23: 9–24.
King, S. M. 2011b. Remembering One and All: Early Postclassic Residential Burial in Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico. In Residential Burial: A Multiregional Exploration, edited by R. L. Adams and S. M. King, pp. 44-58. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, Number 20.
Joyce, A. A. 2010. Expanding the feast: Food preparation, feasting, and the social negotiation of gender and power. In From Subsistence to Social Strategies: New Directions in the Study of Daily Meals and Feasting Events, edited by E. A. Klarich, pp. 221-239. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Barber, S. B., G. Sánchez Santiago, and M. Olvera Sánchez. 2009. Sounds of Death and Life in Mesoamerica: The Bone Flutes of Ancient Oaxaca. Yearbook of Traditional Music 41: 40–56.
Joyce, A. A. 2009c. The Main Plaza of Monte Albán: A life history of place. In The Archaeology of Meaningful Places, edited by B. Bowser and N. Zedeno, pp. 32-52. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
Joyce, A. A. 2009d. Theorizing urbanism in ancient Mesoamerica. Ancient Mesoamerica 20(2):189-196.
Barber, S. B. and A. A. Joyce. 2007. Polity produced and community consumed: Negotiating political centralization in the Lower Rio Verde Valley, Oaxaca. In Mesoamerican Ritual Economy, edited by E. C. Wells and K. L. Davis-Salazar, pp. 221-244. University of Colorado Press, Boulder.
Barber, S. B. and A. A. Joyce. 2006. When is a house a palace? Elite residences in the Valley of Oaxaca. In Palaces and Power in the Americas: From Peru to the Northwest Coast, edited by J. J. Christie and P. J. Sarro, pp. 211-255. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Joyce, A. A. 2004. Sacred space and social relations in the Valley of Oaxaca. In Mesoamerican Archaeology, edited by J. Hendon and R. Joyce, pp. 192-216. Blackwell, Oxford.
Joyce, A. A. 2000. The founding of Monte Albán: Sacred propositions and social practices. In Agency in Archaeology, edited by M. Dobres and J. Robb, pp. 71-91. Routledge Press, London.
Joyce, A. A. 1997. Ideology, power, and state formation in Oaxaca. In Emergence and Change in Early Urban Societies, edited by L. Manzanilla, pp. 133-168. Plenum Press, New York.
Joyce, A. A. and M. Winter. 1996. Ideology, power, and urban society in Prehispanic Oaxaca. Current Anthropology 37(1):33-86.
Religión y Política en Español
Joyce, A. A. y S. B. Barber. 2023
Joyce, A. A. y S. B. Barber. 2023. Religión e innovación política en la antigua Mesoamérica." En Perspectivas sobre las sociedades estatales antiguas. Orígenes Y dinámicas sociales. Editado por M. Campagno, F. A. Acuto y A. Gayubas (eds.), pp. 167-194., Miño y Dávila, Buenos Aires.
Joyce, A. A. 2011. Monte Albán como encrucijada material y simbólica en la antigua Oaxaca. En Monte Albán en la Encrucijada Regional e Disciplinaria: Memoria de la Quinta Mesa Redonda de Monte Albán, editado por N. Robles y Á. I. Rivera Guzmán, pp. 47-72. INAH, Mexico City.
Joyce, A. A. 2008b. Consideraciones críticas sobre el estudio de escrito pictográfico en México. Desacatos 27:139-146.
Joyce, A. A. 2008c. Los orígenes de sacrificio humano en Mesoamérica formativa. En Ideología Política y Sociedad en al Periodo Formativo: Ensayos en homenaje al doctor David C. Grove, editado por A. Cyphers y K. G. Hirth, pp. 393-424. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico.
Joyce A. A. 2001. Poder sacrificial en Oaxaca durante el formativo tardio. En Procesos de cambio y conceptualización del tiempo,Memoria de la Primera Mesa Redonda de Monte Albán, editado por N. M. Robles, pp. 97-110. INAH, Mexico City.
Joyce, A. A. 1994b. Monte Albán en el contexto pan-regional. En MonteAlbán: Estudios Recientes, editado por M. Winter, pp. 63-76. Contribución No. 2 del Proyecto Especial Monte Albán 1992-1994, Oaxaca.
Human Ecology
Hedgepeth Balkin, J. D. and A. A. Joyce (03 Oct 2023)
Hedgepeth Balkin, J. D. and A. A. Joyce (03 Oct 2023): Landscape Ecology, Settlement, and Land Use in the Lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca, México: An Unusual Case for Coastal Mesoamerica. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, DOI:10.1080/15564894.2023.2246024
Joyce, A. A., A. Boresjza, J. C. Lohse, L. Morett Alatorre, and B. Nash. 2021
Joyce, A. A., A. Boresjza, J. C. Lohse, L. Morett Alatorre, and B. Nash. 2021. Sourcing Preceramic Obsidian from Las Estacas, Morelos, and Yuzanú 36, Oaxaca in the Context of Early Mesoamerican Lithic Procurement Patterns. In Preceramic Mesoamerica, edited by J. C. Lohse, A. Borejsza, and A. A. Joyce, pp. 505-535. Routledge Press, London and New York.
Joyce, A. A. 2021. Preceramic Archaeology in Mesoamerica: Recent Developments and Future Directions. In Preceramic Mesoamerica, edited by J. C. Lohse, A. Borejsza, and A. A. Joyce, pp. 536-559. Routledge Press, London and New York.
Bérubé, Éloi, Guy David Hepp, and Shanti Morell-Hart. 2020
Bérubé, Éloi, Guy David Hepp, and Shanti Morell-Hart. 2020. Paleoethnobotanical evidence of Early Formative period diet in coastal Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29:102047.
Goman, Michelle, Arthur Joyce, Steve Lund, Charlotte Pearson, William Guerra, Darren Dale, Douglas E. Hammond, and Aaron J. Celestian.2017. Preliminary results from Laguna Minucúa a potentially annually resolved record of climate and environmental change for the past ~5000 years in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico. Quaternary International http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.01.027
Borejsza, A. and A. A. Joyce. 2017. Convergence and Divergence as Problems of Explanation in Land Use Histories. In The Archaeology of Human-Environment Interactions, edited by D. A. Contreras, pp. 25-57. Routledge, New York and London.
Lund, Steve, Michelle Goman, and Arthur Joyce. 2016. Paleomagnetic chronostratigraphy of Holocene Laguna Minucúa, Oaxaca, Mexico. Quaternary International http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2016.06.038.
Goman, M., A.A. Joyce, R. Mueller, W. Middleton. 2014. Reconstructing the Formation and Land Use History of the Mound 2 U2-Feature Depression at Río Viejo, Oaxaca, Mexico. Quaternary International: online first (in press).
Joyce, A. A. and M. Goman. 2012. Bridging the theoretical divide in Holocene landscape studies: social and ecological approaches to ancient Oaxacan landscapes. Quaternary Science Reviews 55:1-22.
Mueller, R. G., A. A. Joyce, and A. Borejsza. 2012. Alluvial archives of the Nochixtlán Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico: Age and significance for reconstructions of environmental change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 321–322 (2012): 121–136.
Goman, M., A. A. Joyce, R. Mueller, and L. Paschyn. 2010. Multi-Proxy paleoecological reconstruction of prehistoric land use history in the western region of the Lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico. The Holocene 20(5):761-772.
Joyce, A. A. 2009b. Tarascan land degradation and alternative traditions in Americanist Landscape archaeology. In Polities and Power: Archaeological Perspectives on the Landscapes of Early States, edited by S. E. Falconer and C. Redman, pp. 99-105. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Goman, M., A. A. Joyce and R. G. Mueller. 2005. Stratigraphic evidence for Anthropogenically induced coastal environmental change from Oaxaca, Mexico. Quaternary Research 63:250-260.
Joyce, A. A. and R. G. Mueller. 1997. Prehispanic human ecology of the Río Verde drainage basin. World Archaeology 29(1):75-94.
Joyce, A. A. and R. G. Mueller. 1992. The social impact of anthropogenic landscape Modification in the Río Verde drainage basin, Oaxaca, Mexico. Geoarchaeology 7(6):503-526.