Latest Publications
- Herman, J.A., Hoang, J.D., White, T.J.*, “Elastocaloric Response of Isotropic Liquid Crystalline Elastomers”, Small, 2024, 2400786.
- Velasco Abadia, A., White, T.J. Schwartz, D.K. and Kaar, J.L.*, “Cumulative dose sensing of malathion using a biocatalytic liquid crystal elastomer with chemical memory”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2024, 400, Part B, 134877.
- Pranda, P.A., Hedegaard, A., Kim, H., Clapper, J., Nelson, E., Hines, L., Hayward, R.C.*, White, T.J.*, “Directional adhesion of monodomain liquid crystalline elastomers”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2024, 16, 5, 6394–6402.
- Colorado Escobar, M., and White, T.J.*, “Fast and Slow-Twitch Actuation via Twisted Liquid Crystal Elastomer Fibers”, Advanced Materials, 2024, e2401140.
- Schlafmann, K. R., Alahmed, M.S., Pearl, H., and White, T.J.*, “Tunable and Switchable Thermochromism in Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Elastomers”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2024, 16, 18, 23780-23787.
- Nelson, B.R., Kirkpatrick, B.E., Skillin, N.P., Di Caprio, N., Lee, J.S., Hibbard, L.P., Hach, G.K., Khang, A., White, T.J., Burdick, J.A., Bowman, C.N., and Anseth, K.S.*, “Facile Physicochemical Reprogramming of PEG-Dithiolane Microgels”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2023, 2302925.
- Skillin, N.P., Bauman, G.E., Kirkpatrick, B.E., McCracken, J.M., Park, K., Vaia, R.A., Anseth, K.S., and White, T.J.*, “Photothermal Actuation of Thick 3D-Printed Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Nanocomposites”, Advanced Materials, 2024, 2313745.
- Fowler, H.E., Pearl, H.M., and White, T.J.,* “Enhanced Electromechanical Output in Liquid Crystal Elastomers Prepared by Thiol-ene Photopolymerization”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2024, 9, 9, 2301970.
- Jaeschke, M.W., Borelli, A.N., Skillin, N.P., White, T.J., and Anseth, K.S.*, “Engineering a Hydrazone and Triazole Crosslinked Hydrogel for Extrusion-Based Printing and Cell Delivery”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024, e2400062.
- Skillin, N.P., Kirkpatrick, B.E., Herbert, K.M., Nelson, B.R., Hach, G.K., Günay, K.A., Khan, R.M., DelRio, F.W., White, T.J.*, and Anseth, K.S.*, “Stiffness anisotropy coordinates supracellular contractility driving long-range myotube-ECM alignment”, Science Advances, 2024, 10, 22, eadn0235.
- Radka, B.P., Lee, T., Smalyukh, I.I., White, T.J.*, “The association of structural chirality and liquid crystal anchoring in stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals”, Soft Matter, 2024, 20, 1815-1823.
- Fowler, H.E., Pearl, H.M., Hoang, J.D., and White, T.J.*, "Liquid Crystal Elastomers Prepared by Thiol-ene Photopolymerization Amenable to Surface-Enforced Alignment", Macromolecules, 2024, 57, 6, 2619-2627.
- Herman, J.A., Hoang, J.D., McCracken, J.M., and White, T.J.*, "Compositional and Temperature Dependence of Amorphous Polymer Networks Undergoing Mechanotropic Phase Transitions", Macromolecules, 2024, 57, 2, 664-671.
- Radka, B.P., Pande, G.K., and White, T.J., “Enhancing the electro-optic response of polymer stabilised cholesteric liquid crystals with ionic dopants”, Liquid Crystals, 2024, 51, 4, 587–595.
- McDougall, L., Herman, J.A., Huntley, E., Leguizamon, S., Cook, A., White, T.J., Kaehr, B., and Roach, D.*, “Free-Form Liquid Crystal Elastomers via Embedded 4D Printing”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2023, 15, 50, 58897-58904.
- Bauman, G.E., and White, T.J.*, “Rheology of oligomer melts in the nematic and isotropic states”, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 8882 – 8888.
- Pande, G.K., Radka, B.P., McCracken, J.M., and White, T.J.*, “Molecular engineering of the polymer stabilizing network to enhance the electro-optic response of cholesteric liquid crystals”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023,11, 16377-16383.
- Velasco Abadia, A., White, T.J. Schwartz, D.K. and Kaar, J.L.*, “Cumulative dose sensing of malathion using a biocatalytic liquid crystal elastomer with chemical memory,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2024, 400, Part B, 134877.
- Schlafmann, K. R., Alahmed, M. S., Lewis, K. L., and White, T.J.*, “Large Range Thermochromism in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers Prepared with Intra-Mesogenic Supramolecular Bonds,” Adv. Funct. Mater., 2023, 2305818.
- Velasco Abadia, A., Bauman, G. E., White, T.J., Schwartz, D. K., and Kaar, J. L.*, “Direct Ink Writing of Enzyme-Containing Liquid Crystal Elastomers as Versatile Biomolecular-Responsive Actuators,” Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 10, 2300086.
- McCracken, J.M., Hoang, J.D., Herman, J.A., Lynch, K.M., and White, T.J.*, “Millimeter-thick Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Actuators Prepared by Surface-Enforced Alignment”, Adv. Mater. Technologies, 2023, 8: 2202067.
- Duffy, D., McCracken, J.M., Hebner, T.S., White, T.J., and Biggins, J.S.*, “Lifting, Loading, and Buckling in Conical Shells,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 2023, 131, 148202.
- Hebner, T.S., Bowman, R.G.A., Duffy, D., Mostajeran, C., Griniasty, I., Cohen, I., Warner, M., Bowman, C.N., and White, T.J.*, “Discontinuous metric programming in liquid crystalline elastomers”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023 15 (8), 11092-11098.
- Bauman, G.E., Hoang, J.D., Toney, M.F., and White, T.J.*, “Degree of Orientation in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers Defines the Magnitude and Rate of Actuation”, ACS Macro Letters, 2023, 12(2), 248-254.
- Hebner, T.S., McCracken, J.M., Bowman, C.N., and White, T.J.*, “The Contribution of Oligomerization Reaction Chemistry to the Thermomechanical Properties of Surface-Aligned Liquid Crystalline Elastomers”, Macromolecules, 2023, 56, 3, 974–979.
- Hebner, T.S., Korner, K., Bowman, C.N., Bhattacharya, K., and White, T.J.*, “Leaping Liquid Crystal Elastomers”, Science Advances, 2023, 9(3).
- Lewis, K.L., Herbert, K.M., Matavulj, V.M., Hoang, J.D., Ellison, E.T., Bauman, G.E., Herman, J.A., and White, T.J.*, “Programming orientation in liquid crystalline elastomers prepared with intra-mesogenic supramolecular bonds”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15(2), 3467-3475.
- Radka, B.P., Pande, G.K., and White, T.J.*, “The contribution of network elasticity to electro-optic response in polymer stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals”, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 4634-4641.
- Phillips, A.T., Schlafmann, K.R., Fowler, H.E., and White, T.J.*, “Electrically tunable, fully solid reflective optical elements”, Adv. Optic. Mater., 2022, 10, 22, 2201457.
- Hebner, T.S., Kirkpatrick, B.E., Anseth, K.S., Bowman, C.N., and White, T.J.*, “Surface‐Enforced Alignment of Reprogrammable Liquid Crystalline Elastomers”, Adv. Sci. 2022, 9, 2204003.
- Miksch, C.E., Skillin, N.P., Kirkpatrick, B.E., Hach, G.K., Rao, V.V., White, T.J., and Anseth, K.S.*, “4D Printing of Extrudable and Degradable Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Microgel Scaffolds for Multidimensional Cell Culture”, Small 2022, 18, 2200951.
- Bauman, G.E., McCracken, J.M., White T.J.*, “Actuation of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers at or Below Ambient Temperature”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61 (28), e202202577.
- Abadia, A.V., Herbert, K.M., White, T.J., Schwartz, D.K., Kaar, J.L.*, “Biocatalytic 3D actuation in liquid crystal elastomers via enzyme patterning”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14(23), 26480-26488.
- Hernandez, J.J., Dobson, A.L., Carberry, B.J. Kuenstler, A.S., Shah, P.K., Anseth, K.S., White, T.J., and Bowman, C.N.*, “Controlled Degradation of Cast and 3-D Printed Photocurable Thioester Networks via Thiol–Thioester Exchange”, Macromolecules, 2022, 55(4), 1376-1385.
- Bauman, G.E., Koch, J.A., White, T.J.*, “Rheology of liquid crystalline oligomers for 3-D printing of liquid crystalline elastomers”, Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 3168-3176.
- Hebner, T.S., Podgorski, M., Mavila, S., White, T.J., and Bowman, C.N.*, “Shape Permanence in Diarylethene-Functionalized Liquid Crystal Elastomers Facilitated by Thiol-Anhydride Dynamic Chemistry”, Ang. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61(11), e202116522.
- Hebner, T.S., Fowler, H.E., Herbert, K.M., Skillin, N.P., Bowman, C.N., and White, T.J.*, “Polymer network structure, properties, and formation of liquid crystalline elastomers prepared via thiol-acrylate chain transfer reactions”, Macromolecules, 2021, 54(23), 11074-11082.
- Radka, B.P., Lee, K.M., Godman, N.P., White, T.J.*, “Electro-optic characteristics of stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals with non-liquid crystalline polymer networks”, Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 3013-3018.
- Herbert, K.M., Fowler, H.E., McCracken, J.M., Schlafmann, K.R., Koch, J.A., and White, T.J.,*, “Synthesis and alignment of liquid crystalline elastomers”, Nature Review Materials, 2022, 7, 23-38.
- Fowler, H.E., Rothemond, P., Keplinger, C., and White, T.J., “Liquid Crystal Elastomers with Enhanced Directional Actuation to Electric Fields”, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(43), 2103806.
- Schlafmann, K.R., and White, T.J.*, “Retention and deformation of the blue phases in liquid crystalline elastomers”, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, article 4916.
- Velasco Abadia, A., Herbert, K.M., Matavulj, V.M., White, T.J., Schwartz, D.K., and Kaar, J.L.*, “Chemically Triggered Changes in Mechanical Properties of Responsive Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks with Immobilized Urease”, Journal of American Chemical Society, 2021, 143(40), 16740-16749.
- Koch, J.A., Herman, J.A., and White, T.J.*, “Elastocaloric effect in amorphous polymer networks undergoing mechanotropic phase transitions”, Physical Review Materials, 2021, 5(6), L062401.
- Hebner, T.S., Bowman, C.N., and White, T.J.*, “Influence of Orientational Genesis on the Actuation of Monodomain Liquid Crystalline Elastomers”, Macromolecules, 2021, 54, 9, 4023–4029.
- McCracken, J.M., Donovan, B.R., Lynch, K.M., and White, T.J., “Molecular Engineering of Mesogenic Constituents within Liquid Crystalline Elastomers to Sharpen Thermotropic Actuation”, Adv. Func. Mater., 2021, 31, 2100564.
- Hebner, T.S., Bowman, C.N., and White, T.J.*, “The contribution of intermolecular forces to phototropic actuation of liquid crystalline elastomers”, Polymer Chemistry, 2021, 12, 1581-1587. . (Pioneering Investigators, special issue)
- Lee, K.M., Bunning, T.J., White, T.J., McConney, M.E.*, and Godman, N.P.*, “Effect of Ion Concentration on the Dynamic Electro-optic Response in Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals prepared without Photoinitiator”, Crystals, 2021, 11 (1), 7.
- Lee, K.M., Reshetnyak, V.Y., McConney, M.E., Crenshaw, E.P., Bunning, T.J., White, T.J., and Godman, N.P., “Higher–Order Bragg Reflection Colors in Polymer–Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Advanced Photonics Research, 2021, 2(11), 2100112.
- Radka, B.P., King, B.E., McConney, M.E., and White, T.J.*, “Electrically Induced Splitting of the Selective Reflection in Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Adv. Opt. Mater., 2020, 8, 2000914.
- Martinez, A.M., McBride, M.K., White, T.J., and Bowman, C.N.*, “Reconfigurable and Spatially Programmable Chameleon Skin-Like Material Utilizing Light Responsive Covalent Adaptable Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Elastomers”, Adv. Func. Mater., 2020, 30 (35), 2003150.
- Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.P., Godman, N.P., White, T.J., Bunning, T.J., and McConney, M.E., “Reconfigurable Reflective Colors in Holographically Patterned Liquid Crystal Gels”, ACS Photonics, 2020, 7 (8), 1978-1982.
- McCracken, J.M., Donovan, B.R., and White, T.J.*, “Materials as Machines”, Adv. Mater., 2020, 32 (20), 1906564.
- Lee, K.M., Crenshaw, E.P., Rumi, M., White, T.J., Bunning, T.J., and McConney, M.E.*, “Effect of Cell Thickness on the Electro-optic Response of Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals with Negative Dielectric Anisotropy”, Materials, 2020, 13 (3), 746.
- Fowler, H.E., Donovan, B.R., McCracken, J.M., Jiminez, F.L, and White, T.J.*, "Localizing genesis in polydomain liquid crystalline elastomers", Soft Matter, 2020,16, 330-336. (cover)
- Brannum, M.T., Auguste, A.D., Donovan, B.R., Godman, N.P., Matavulj, V.M., Steele, A.M., Korley, L.T., Wnek, G.E., and White, T.J.*, “Deformation and Elastic Recovery of Acrylate-Based Liquid Crystalline Elastomers”, Macromolecules, 2019, 2019, 52, 21, 8248-8255.
- McCracken, J.M., Tondiglia, V.P., Auguste, A.D., Godman, N.P., Donovan, B.R., Bagnall, B.N., Fowler, H.E., Baxter, C.M., Matavulj, V., Berrigan, J.D., and White, T.J.*, “Microstructured Photopolymerization of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers in Oxygen-Rich Environments”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019, 29, 1903761. (cover)
- Donovan, B., Fowler, H. Matavulj, V., and White, T.J., “Mechanotropic Elastomers”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 131, 13882. (cover)
- Kowalski, B.A., Tondiglia, V.P., Lee, K.M., Evans, D.R., White, T.J., and Mills, M.S.*, “Spectrally selectable Airy beam generation”, Opt. Exp., 2019, 27, 165710-16577.
- Smith, M. L., J. Gao, A. A. Skandani, N. Deering, D. H. Wang, A. A. Sicard, M. Plaver, L. S. Tan, T. J. White, and M. R. Shankar, "Tuned photomechanical switching of laterally constrained arches", Smart Materials and Structures, 2019, 28, 075009.
- Shin, J., Sung, J., Kang, M., Xie, X., Lee, B., Lee, K.M., White, T., Leal, C., Sottos, N.R., Braun, P.V., and Cahill, D.G.*, “Light-triggered thermal conductivity switching in azobenzene polymers”, Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, 2019, 116, 5973-5978.
- Brannum, M.T., Steele, A.M., Venetos, M.C., Korley, L.T.J., Wnek, G.E., and White, T.J.*, “Light Control with Liquid Crystalline Elastomers”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2019, 7, 1801683.
- Donovan, B.R., Matavulj, V.M., Ahn, S.-k., Guin, T., and White, T.J.*, “All-Optical Control of Shape”, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 805750.
- Rumi, M., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, “Polymer stabilization of cholesteric liquid crystals in the oblique helicoid state”, Soft Matter, 2018, 14(44), 8883-8894. (cover)
- Kim, D.-Y., Lee, K.M., White, T.J., and Jeong, K.-U.*, “Polymer-Stabilized Helical Nanostructures: Chirophotonic Crystal Paints for the Fabrication of Circular-Polarizing Flexible Mirrors”, NPG Asia Materials, 2018, 10, 1061–1068.
- Tondiglia, V.P., Rumi, M., Idehenre, I.U., Lee, K.M., Binzer, J.F., Banerjee, P.P., Evans, D.R., McConney, M.E., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J., “Electrical Control of Unpolarized Reflectivity in Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals at Oblique Incidence”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2018, 6(22), 1800957.
- Auguste, A.D., Ward, J.W., Hardin, J.O., Kowalski, B.A., Guin, T.C., Berrigan, J.D., and White, T.J.*, “Enabling and Localizing Omni-directional Nonlinear Deformation in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers”, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(35), 1802438.
- Guin, T., Settle, M.J., Kowalski, B.A., Auguste, A.D., Beblo, R.V., Reich, G.W., and White, T.J.*, “Heavy Lifting with Soft Materials: Layered Liquid Crystal Elastomer Actuators”, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, Article number: 2531.
- Mahoney, C., Park, K., Jawaid, A., Kowalski, B., Gillman, A., Tondiglia, V., Treml, B., White, T., and Vaia, R.A.*, “Low-Energy, Nanoparticle Reshaping for Large-Area, Patterned, Plasmonic Nanocomposites”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018,6, 7157-7169.
- Lee, K.M., Tondliglia, V.P., Rumi, M., and White, T.J.*, “Time-dependent Deformation of Structurally Chiral Polymer Networks in Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics, 2018, 56, 1087–1093.
- Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.P., and White, T.J.*, “Electrically Reconfigurable Mirrors”, ACS Omega, 2018, 3(4), 4453-4457.
- Plucinsky, P., Kowalski, B.A., White, T.J., and Bhattacharya, K.*, “Patterning nonisometric origami in nematic elastomer sheets”, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 3127 - 3134.
- Kowalski, B.A., Mostajeran, C., Warner, M., and White, T.J.*, “Curvature by design and on demand in liquid crystal elastomers”, Physical Review E, 97 (1), 012504.
- Kotikian, A., Truby, R.L., Boley, J.W., White, T.J., and Lewis, J.A.*, “3D Printing of Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Actuators with Spatially Programmed Nematic Order”, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1706164. (cover, March 8, 2018 issue)
- Serak, S., Nersisyan, S., Tabiryan, N., Steeves, D., Kimball, B.R., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J., “High-contrast, low-voltage variable reflector for unpolarized light”, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 2018, 657 (1), 156-166.
- White, T.J.*, “Photomechanical Effects in Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks and Elastomers”, Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics, 2018, 56, 695–705. (review)
- Guin, T. Kowalski, B.A., Rao, R., Auguste, A.D., Grabowski, C.A., Lloyd, P.F., Tondiglia, V.P., Maruyama, B., Vaia, R.A., and White, T.J.*, “Electrical Control of Shape in Voxelated Liquid Crystalline Polymer Nanocomposites”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018 10 (1), 1187–1194.
- Baczkowki, M.L., Wang, D.H., Lee, D.H., Lee, K.M., Smith, M.L., White, T.J.*, and Tan, L.-S.*, “Photomechanical Deformation of Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides Synthesized with Bulky Substituents”, ACS Macro Lett., 2017, 6 (12), 1432–1437.
- Skandani, A.A., Chatterjee, S., Wang, D.H., Tan, L.-S., White, T.J., Shankar, M.R.*, and Smith, M.L.*, “Relaxation dynamics and strain persistency of azobenzene-functionalized polymers and actuators”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2017, 302, 1700256.
- Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.P., Godman, N.P., Middleton, C.M., and White, T.J.*, “Blue-shifting tuning of the selective reflection of polymer stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals”, Soft Matter, 13 (35), 5842-5848. (cover art)
- Godman, N.P., Kowalski, B.A., Auguste, A.D., Koerner, H.A., and White, T.J.*, “Synthesis of Elastomeric Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks via Chain Transfer”, ACS Macro Letters, 2017, 6, 1290-1295. (
- Smith, M.J., Malak, S.T., Jung, J., Yoon, Y.J., Lin, C.H., Kim, S., Lee, K.M., Ma, R., White, T.J., Bunning, T.J. and Lin, Z.*, “Robust, Uniform, and Highly Emissive Quantum Dot–Polymer Films and Patterns Using Thiol–Ene Chemistry”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(20), 17435-17448.
- White, T. and Verduzco, R., “Liquid crystal elastomers: emerging trends and applications”, Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 4320-4320. (editorial accompanying special issue on Liquid Crystal Elastomers)
- Kowalski, B., Tondiglia, V., Guin, T., and White, T.J.*, “Voxel Resolution in the Directed Self-Assembly of Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks and Elastomers”, Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 4335-4340. (cover art)
- Kowalski, B., Guin, T., Auguste, A., Godman, N., and White, T.J.*, “Pixelated Polymers: Directed Self Assembly of Liquid Crystalline Networks and Elastomers”, ACS Macro Letters, 2017, 6, 436. (cover art)
- Bregar, A., White, T.J. and Ravnik, M.*, “Refraction of light on flat boundary of liquid crystals or anisotropic metamaterials”, Liquid Crystals Reviews, 2017, 5(1), 53-68.
- Rumi, M., White, T. J.*, and Bunning, T. J.*, “Phototropic guest-host liquid crystal systems: environmental effect on naphthopyrans kinetics”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2016, 120 (49), 12755-12767.
- Wie, J.J., Shankar, M.R., and White, T.J.*, “Photomotility of polymers”, Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 13260. (featured in numerous online newsites and technical blogs, including
- Skandani, A., Chatterjee, S., Smith, M.L., Baranski, J., Wang, D.H., Tan, L.-S., White, T.J., and Shankar, M.R., "Discrete-state photomechanical actuators", Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2016, 9 (1), 45-54.
- Lee, K.M., Ware, T.H., Tondiglia, V.P., McBride, M.K., Zhang, X., Bowman, C.N., and White, T.J.*, “Initiatorless Photopolymerization of Liquid Crystal Monomers”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (41), 28040-28046.
- Kim, D.-Y., Nah, C., Kang, S.-W., Lee, S.H., Lee, K.M., White, T.J., and Jeong, K.-U., “Free-Standing and Circular-Polarizing Chirophotonic Crystal Reflectors: Photopolymerization of Helical Nanostructures”, ACS Nano, 2016, 10 (10), 9570-9576.
- Worth, B., Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.P., Myers, J., Mou, S., and White, T.J., “Dynamic, infrared bandpass filters prepared from polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals”, Applied Optics, 2016, 55 (25), 7134-7137.
- Ahn, S., Ware, T.H., Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.P., and White, T.J.*, “Photoinduced topographical feature development in blueprinted azobenzene-functionalized liquid crystalline elastomers”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26 (32), 5819-5826. (frontispiece)
- Skandana, A., Chatterjee, S., Smith, M.L., Baranski, J., Wang, D.H., Tan, L.-S., White, T.J., and Shankar, M.R., “Discrete-state photomechanical actuators”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2016, 9 (1), 45-54.
- Mostajeran, C., Warner, M.*, Ware, T.H., and White, T.J., “Encoding Gaussian curvature in glassy and elastomeric liquid crystal solids." Proc. R. Soc. A, 2016, 472.2189.
- Rumi, M., Cazzell, S.A., Kosa, T., Sukhomlinova, L., Taheri, B., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Quantification of photoinduced order increase in liquid crystals with naphthopyran guests”, Phys. Rev. E, 2016, 93 (3), 032701.
- Ware, T.H., Biggins, J.S., Shick, A.F., Warner, M., and White, T.J.*, “Localized soft elasticity in liquid crystal elastomers”, Nature Communications, 2016, 7.
- Khandelwal, H., Debije, M.G., White, T.J., and Schenning, A.P.H.J.*, “Electrically tunable infrared reflector with adjustable bandwidth broadening up to 1100 nm”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 6064-6069.
- Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.T., and White, T.J.,* “Photosensitivity of reflection notch tuning and broadening in polymer stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals”, Soft Matter, 2016, 12(4), 1256-1261.
- White, T.J.*, Broer, D.J.*, “Programmable and Adaptive Mechanics with Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks and Elastomers”, Nature Materials, 2015, 14 (11), 1087-1098. (review)
- Ware, T.H., Perry, Z.P., Middleton, C.M., Iacono, S.T., and White, T.J., “Programmable Liquid Crystal Elastomers Prepared by Thiol–Ene Photopolymerization”, ACS Macro Letters, 2015, 4 (9), 942-946.
- Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.T., and White, T.J.,* “Bistable Switching of Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals between Transparent and Scattering Modes”, MRS Communications, 2015, 5 (02), 223-227. (invited special issue on Polymers/Soft Matter)
- Ware, T.H., McConney, M.E., Wie, J.J., Tondiglia, V.P., and White, T.J.*, “Voxelated Liquid Crystal Elastomers”, Science, 2015, 347, 982-984. (featured in Popular Science, New Scientist, Chem and Engineering News, MRS Bulletin, Physics Today, and various international news outlets)
- Wie, J.J., Lee, K.M., Ware, T.H., and White, T.J.*, “Twists and Turns in Glassy Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks”, Macromolecules, 2015, 48 (4), pp 1087–1092.
- Fuchi, K., Ware, T.H., Buskohl, P.R., Reich, G.W., Vaia, R.A., White, T.J., and Joo, J.J., “Topology optimization for the design of folding liquid crystal elastomer actuators”, Soft Matter, 2015, 11 (37), 7288-7295.
- Ware, T.H., and White, T.J.*, “Programmed Liquid Crystal Elastomers with Tunable Actuation Strain”, Polymer Chemistry, 2015, 2015,6, 4835-4844.
- Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.P., Lee, T., Smalyukh, I.I., and White, T.J.*, “Large Range Electrically-induced Reflection Notch Tuning in Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3 (34), 8788-8793.
- Nemati, H., Liu, S., Zola, R., White, T., Bunning, T., and Yang, D.-K.*, “Mechanism of Electrically Induced Photonic Band Gap Broadening in Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals with Negative Dielectric Anisotropies”, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 1208-1213.
- Ouskova, E., De Sio, L.*, Vergara, R., White, T.J., Tabiryan, N., and Bunning, T.J., “Liquid Crystalline Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals”, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105, 231122.(featured in Nanowerk)
- Wie, J.J., Wang, D.H., Tondiglia, V.P., Tabiryan, N.V., Vergara-Toloza, R., Tan, L.-S., and White, T.J.*, “Photopiezoelectric Composites of Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides and Polyvinylidene Fluoride”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2014, 35, 2050-2056. (cover illustration) (Best of Macromolecular Journals 2014)
- Lee, K.M., Tondiglia, V.P., McConney, M.E., Natarajan, L.V., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, “Color-Tunable Mirrors Based on Electrically Regulated Bandwidth Broadening in Polymer-Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, ACS Photonics, 2014, 1, 1033–1041.
- Iocozzia, J., Xu, H., Pang, X., Xia, H., Bunning, T., White, T.*, and Lin, Z.*, “Starlike polymer click-functionalized with small capping molecules: an initial investigation into properties and improving solubility in liquid crystals”, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 50212-50219.
- Wie, J.J., Wang, D.H., Lee, K.M., Tan, L.-S.*, and White, T.J.*, “Molecular Engineering of Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides to Enhance Both Photomechanical Work and Motion”, Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26, 5223-5230.
- Liu, Q., Tang, J., Zhang, Y., Martinez, A., Wang, S., He, S., White, T.J., and Smalyukh, I.I.*, “Shape-dependent dispersion and alignment of nonaggregating plasmonic gold nanoparticles in lyotropic and thermotropic liquid crystals”, Phys. Rev. E, 2014, 89, 052525.
- Tondiglia, V.P., Natarajan, L.V., Bailey, C.A., McConney, M.E., Lee, K.M., Bunning, T.J., Zola, R., Nemati, H., Yang, D.-k., and White, T.J.*, “Bandwidth Broadening Induced by Ionic Interactions in Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Optical Materials Express, 2014, 7, 1465-1472.
- Rumi, M., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Reflection spectra of distorted cholesteric liquid crystal structures in cells with interdigitiated electrodes”, Optics Express, 2014, 22, 16510-16519.
- White, T.J.*, Lee, K.M., McConney, M.E., Tondiglia, V.P., Natarajan, L.V., and Bunning, T.J., “Stimuli-Responsive Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Composites for Optics and Photonics”, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 2014, 45, 555-558. (invited paper)
- Wie, J.J., Chatterjee, S., Wang, D.H., Tan, L.-S.*, Shankar, M.R.*, and White, T.J.*, “Azobenzene-functionalized Polyimides as Wireless Actuators”, Polymer, 2014, 55, 5915-5923. (invited special issue on Shape Changing Polymers)
- Rumi, M., Tondiglia, V.P., Natarajan, L.V., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Local Optical Spectra and Texture for Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals in Cells with Interdigitated Electrodes”, Mol. Crys. Liq. Crys., 2014, 595, 123-135, 2014.
- Wie, J.J., Lee, K.M., and White, T.J.*, “Thermally and Optically Fixable Shape Memory in Azobenzene-Functionalized Glassy Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks”, Mol. Crys. Liq. Crys., 2014, 596, 113-121.
- Rumi, M., Tondiglia, V.P., Natarajan, L.V., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Non-uniform helix unwinding of cholesteric liquid crystals in cells with interdigitated electrodes”, Chem. Phys. Chem., 2014, 15, 1311-1322. (invited special issue on Liquid Crystals) (cover illustration) (very important paper)
- Wang, D.H., Wie, J.J., Lee, K.M., White, T.J.*, and Tan, L.-S.*, “Impact of Backbone Rigidity on the Photomechanical Response of Glassy, Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides”, Macromolecules, 2014, 47, 659-667.
- Cazzell, S.A., McConney, M.E., Tondiglia, V.P., Natarajan, L.V., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, “Contribution of Crosslink Density and Chirality to Reflection Wavelength Tuning in Structurally Chiral Nematic Gels”, Journal of Materials Chemistry Part C, 2014, 2, 132-138.
- Lee, K.M., Lynch, B.M., Luchette, P., and White, T.J.*, “Photomechanical effects in liquid crystal polymer networks prepared with m-fluoroazobenzene”, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 52, 876-882.
- Smith, M.L.*, Lee, K.M., White, T.J., and Vaia, R.A., “Design of polarization-dependent, flexural- torsional deformation in photo responsive liquid crystalline polymer networks”, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 1400-1410. (invited special issue on Reconfigurable Soft Matter)
- Shankar, M.R.*, Smith, M.L., Tondiglia, V.P., Lee, K.M., McConney, M.E., Wang, D.H., Tan, L.-S., and White, T.J.*, “Contactless, Photoinitiated Snap-through in Azobenzene-functionalized Polymers”, Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, 2013, 110, 18792-18797. (featured Chemistry World and numerous online profiles)
- Vernon, J.P., Serak, S.V., Hakobyan, R.S., Aleksanyan, A.K., White, T.J., Bunning, T.J., and Tabiryan, N.V.*, “Recording polarization gratings with a standing spiral wave”, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103, 2011101.
- Wie, J.J., Lee, K.M., Smith, M.L., Vaia, R.A., and White, T.J.*, “Torsional Mechanical Responses in Azobenzene Functionalized Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks”, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 9303. (cover illustration) (selected for “2013 hot paper” themed collection)
- McConney, M.E., Martinez, A., Tondiglia, V.P., Lee, K.M., Langley, D., Smalyukh, I.I., and White, T.J.*, “Topography from Topology: Photoinduced Surface Features Generated in Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks”, Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, 5880–5885. (cover illustration)
- Li, Y., Wang, M., White, T.J., Bunning, T.J., and Li, Q.*, “Azoarenes Bearing Opposite Chiral Configurations: A Design Paradigm for Light-Driven Dynamic Reversible Handedness Inversion in Self-Organized Helical Superstructure”, Angewandte Chemie, 2013, 52, 8925.
- McConney, M.E., Tondiglia, V.P., Natarajan, L.V., Lee, K.M., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Large Range Electrically Induced Color Changes in Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2013, 1, 417.
- Vernon, J.P., Serak, S.V., Tondiglia, V.P., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Generation of Light Scattering States in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals by Optically Controlled Boundary Conditions”, Crystals, 2013, 3, 234.
- Lee, K.M., Wang, D.H., Koerner, H., Vaia, R.A., Tan, L.-S.*, and White, T.J.*, “Photomechanical Response of Pre-strained Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimide Materials”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 214, 1189. (cover illustration)
- Vernon, J.P, Hrozhyk, U.A., Serak, S.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Tabiryan, N.V., White, T.J., and Bunning T.J.*, “Optically reconfigurable reflective/scattering states enabled with photosensitive cholesteric liquid crystal cells”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2013, 1, 84.
- Vernon, J.P., Zhao, A.D., Vergara, R., Song, H., Tondiglia, V.P., White, T.J., Tabiryan, N.V., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Photostimulated control of laser transmission through photoresponsive cholesteric liquid crystals”, Optics Express, 2013, 21, 1645.
- Koerner, H., Strong, R., Smith, M.L., David H. Wang, Tan, L-.S., Lee, K.M., White, T.J., and Vaia, R.A.*, “Polymer Design for High Temperature Shape Memory: Low Crosslink Density Polyimides”, Polymer, 2013, 54, 391.
- Lee, K.M., Koerner, H., Wang, D.H., Tan, L.-S., White, T.J., and Vaia, R.A.*, “Tailoring the Photomechanical Response of Glassy, Azobenzene-functionalized Polyimides by Physical Aging”, Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 7527.
- Natarajan, L.V., Cazzell, S.A., Tondiglia, V.P., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, “The role of crosslinking and polarity in the dark relaxation of azobenzene-based, polymer-stabilised cholesteric liquid crystals”, Liquid Crystals, 2012, 39, 1450.
- Wang, D.H., Lee, K.M., Koerner, H., Yu, Z., Vaia, R.A., White, T.J.*, and Tan, L.-S.*, “Flexural-Torsional Photomechanical Responses in Azobenzene-Containing Crosslinked Polyimides”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2012, 297, 1167.
- Lee, K.M., and White, T.J.*, “Photochemical Mechanism and Photothermal Considerations in the Mechanical Response of Monodomain, Azobenzene-Functionalized Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks”, Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 7163.
- Munoz, A.*, McConney, M.E., Kosa, T., Luchette, P., Sukhomlinova, L., White, T.J., Bunning, T.J., and Taheri, B., “Continuous wave mirrorless lasing in cholesteric liquid crystals with a pitch gradient across the cell gap”, Opt. Lett., 2012, 37, 2904-2906. (cross-published in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Volume 7, Issue 9)
- Kosa, T.*, Sukhomlinova, L., Su, L., Taheri, B., White, T.J.*, and Bunning T.J., “Light-induced liquid crystallinity”, Nature, 2012, 485, 347-349.
- McConney, M.E., Duning, M.M., Natarajan, L.V., Voevodin, A.A., Tondiglia, V.P., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Tuning of the Reflection Properties of Templated Cholesteric Liquid Crystals using Phase Transitions”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2012, 559, 115-126.
- Lee, K.M., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, “Autonomous, Hands-Free Shape Memory in Glassy, Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks”, Advanced Materials, 2012, 24, 2839-2843. (frontispiece)
- White, T.J.*, “Light to Work Transduction and Shape Memory in Glassy, Photoresponsive Macromolecular Systems: Trends and Opportunities”, J. of Polymer Science Polymer Physics, 2012, 50, 877-880. (invited perspective, featured in Materials Views)
- Wang, H., Lee, K.M., White, T.J., and Oates, W.S.*, “Trans-cis and Trans-cis-trans Microstructure Evolution of Azobenzene Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks”, Macro. Theory Sim., 2012, 21, 285-301
- Serak, S.V., Hakobyan, Rafael S., Nersisyan, S.R., Tabiryan, N.V., White, T.J., Bunning, T.J.*, Steeves, D.S., and Kimball, B.R., “All-optical diffractive/transmissive switch based on coupled cycloidal diffractive waveplates”, Opt. Exp., 2012, 20, 5460.
- Cheng, L., Torres, Y., Lee, K.M., McClung, A.J., Baur, J., White, T.J., and Oates, W.S.*, “Photomechanical Bending Mechanics of Polydomain Azobenzene Liquid Crystal Polymer Network Films”, J. App. Phys., 2012, 112, 013513.
- Lee, K.M., Wang, D.H., Koerner, H., Vaia, R.A., Tan, L-.S.*, and White, T.J.*, “Enhancement of Photogenerated Mechanical Force in Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides”, Angewandte Chemie, 2012, 51, 4117.
- White, T.J.*, Zhao, A.D., Cazzell, S.A., Bunning, T.J., Kosa, T., Sukhomlinova, L., Smith, T.J., and Taheri, B., “Optically reconfigurable color change in chiral nematic liquid crystals based on indolylfulgide chiral dopants”, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 5751.
- Lee, K.M., Tabiryan, N.V., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, “Photochemical Mechanism and Structure-Property Considerations in the Generation of Photomechanical Work in Glassy, Azobenzene Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks”, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 691.
- McConney, M.E., White, T.J., Tondiglia, V.P. Yang, D.-K., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Dynamic high contrast reflective coloration from responsive polymer/cholesteric liquid crystal architectures”, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 318.
- Juhl, A., Yang, D.-K., Tondiglia, V., Natarajan, L., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Ordering of glass rods in nematic and cholesteric liquid crystals”, Opt. Mater. Exp., 2011, 1, 1536.
- Li, Q.*, Li, Y., Ma, J., Yang, D.-K., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J., “Directing Dynamic Red, Green and Blue Reflections Enabled by Light-driven Self-organized Helical Superstructure”, Advanced Materials, 2011, 23, 5069. (featured in Nature Photonics)
- Tondiglia, V.P., Natarajan, L.V., Bailey, C.A., Duning, M.M., Sutherland, R.L., Yang, D.K., Voevodin, A., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Dynamic Bandwidth Broadening in Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, J. Appl. Phys., 2011, 110, 053109.
- Hrozyhk, U.A., Serak, S.V., Tabiryan, N.V., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Nonlinear optical properties of fast, photoswitchable cholesteric liquid crystal bandgaps”, Opt. Mater. Exp., 2011, 1, 943.
- Lee, K.M., and White, T.J.*, “Photomechanical Response of Composite Structures Built from Azobenzene Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks”, Polymers, 2011, 3, 1447. (invited article to special issue on Liquid Crystal Polymers)
- Lee, K.M, Smith, M.L., Koerner, H., Tabiryan, N.V., Vaia, R.A., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, "Photodriven, Multidimensional Oscillation of Glassy Azobenzene Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks ", Adv. Func. Mater., 2011, 15, 2913. (featured in Materials Views)
- Tabiryan, N. V.*, Nersisyan, S. R., White, T. J., Bunning, T. J., Steeves, D. M., and Kimball, B. R., “Transparent thin film polarizing and optical control systems”, AIP Advances, 2011, 1, 022153. (Top 20 Most Downloaded Article in 2011)
- Lee, K.M, Koerner, H., Vaia, R.A., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, "Light-Activated Shape Memory in Glassy, Photoresponsive Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks", Soft Matter, 2011, 4318.
- Wang, H., Lee, K.M., Koerner, H., Vaia, R.A.*, White, T.J.*, and Tan, L.-S.*, “Photomechanical Response of Glassy Azobenzene Polyimide Networks”, Macromolecules, 2011, 3840.
- White, T.J.*, Cazzell, S.A., Freer, A.S., Yang, D.-K., Sukhomlinova, L., Su, L., Kosa, T., Taheri, B., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Widely Tunable, Photoinvertible Cholesteric Liquid Crystals“, Advanced Materials, 2011, 1389.
- McConney, M.E., Tondiglia, V.P, Hurtubise, J.M., Natarajan, L.V., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Thermally Induced, Multi-colored Hyper-Reflective Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Advanced Materials, 2011, 1453. (cover illustration)
- McConney, M.E., Tondiglia, V.P., Hurtubise, J.M., Natarajan, L.V., White, T.J., and Bunning T.J.*, “Photoinduced Hyper-reflective Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Enabled via Surface Initiated Photopolymerization”, Chem. Comm., 2011, 505.
- Mathews, M., Zola, R., Hurley, S., Yang, D.-K., White, T., Bunning, T., and Li, Q.*, “Light Driven Reversible Handedness Inversion in Self-organized Helical Superstructures”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 18361.
- White, T.J.*, McConney, M.E., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Dynamic Color in Stimuli-Responsive Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 9832. (review)
- Lee, K.M., Koerner, H., Vaia, R.A., Bunning, T.J., and White, T.J.*, "Relationship between the Photomechanical Response and the Thermomechanical Properties of Azobenzene Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks", Macromolecules, 2010, 43. (featured in Issues in Chemistry and General Chemical Research: 2011 Edition)
- Hsiao, V.K.S.*, White, T.J., Cartwright, A.N., Prasad, P.N., and Allan Guymon, C., "Influence of non-reactive solvent on optical performance, photopolymerization kinetics and morphology of nanoporous polymer gratings", Eur. Polym. J., 2010, 46.
- White, T.J.*, “Liquid Crystals: Viscous and Elastic Properties”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 1177.
- White, T.J.*, Freer, A.S., Tabiryan, N.V., and Bunning, T.J., "Photoinduced broadening of cholesteric liquid crystal reflectors", J. Appl. Phys., 2010, 107.
- White, T.J.*, Bricker, R.L., Natarajan, L.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Green, L., Li, Q., and Bunning, T.J., "Electrically switchable, photoaddressable cholesteric liquid crystal reflectors", Opt. Express, 2010, 18.
- White, T.J.*, Bricker, R.L., Natarajan, L.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Bailey, C., Green, L., Li, Q., and Bunning, T.J., "Electromechanical and light tunable cholesteric liquid crystals", Opt. Commun., 2010, 283.
- Ma, J., Li, Y., White, T., Urbas, A., and Li, Q.*, "Light-driven nanoscale chiral molecular switch: reversible dynamic full range color phototuning", Chem. Commun., 2010, 46. (Top 10 accessed in May 2010; featured in Highlights in Chemical Technology).
Post-doctoral Publications at AFRL:
- Serak, S., Tabiryan, N.*, Vergara, R., White, T.J., Vaia, R.A., and Bunning, T.J.*, "Liquid crystalline polymer cantilever oscillators fueled by light", Soft Matter, 2010, 6.
- Natarajan, L.V., White, T.J., Wofford, J.M., Tondiglia, V.P., Sutherland, R.L., Siwecki, S.A., and Bunning, T.J.*, "Laser initiated thermal tuning of a cholesteric liquid crystal", Appl. Phys. Lett., 2010, 97.
- Hrozhyk, U.A., Serak, S.V., Tabiryan, N.V., White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, "Optically switchable, rapidly relaxing cholesteric liquid crystal reflectors", Opt. Express, 2010, 18.
- Bailey, C.A., Tondiglia, V.P., Natarajan, L.V., Duning, M.M., Bricker, R.L., Sutherland, R.L., White, T.J., Durstock, M.F., and Bunning, T.J.*, "Electromechanical tuning of cholesteric liquid crystals", J. Appl. Phys., 2010, 107.
- White, T.J.*, Bricker, R.L., Natarajan, L.V., Tabiryan, N.V., Green, L., Li, Q., and Bunning, T.J.*, "Phototunable Azobenzene Cholesteric Liquid Crystals with 2000 nm Range", Adv. Funct. Mater., 2009, 19.
- White, T.J.*, Bricker, R.L., Natarajan, L.V., Serak, S.V., Tabiryan, N.V., and Bunning, T.J.*, "Polymer stabilization of phototunable cholesteric liquid crystals", Soft Matter, 2009, 5.
- White, T.J., Serak, S.V., Tabiryan, N.V., Vaia, R.A., and Bunning, T.J.*, “Polarization-Controlled, Photodriven Bending in Monodomain Liquid Crystal Elastomer Cantilevers”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 1080. (cover illustration)
- Hrozhyk, U., Serak, S., Tabiryan, N.*, White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J., “Bidirectional Photoresponse of Surface Pretreated Azobenzene Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks”, Optics Express, 2009, 17, 716.
- Natarajan, L.V., Beckel, E.R., Tondiglia, V.P., Sutherland, R.L., White, T.J., Voss, J., and Bunning, T.J.*, "The effect of weak polymer stabilization on the switching properties of cholesteric liquid crystals", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2009, 502.
- Serak, S.V., Tabiryan, N.V.*, White, T.J., and Bunning, T.J.*, "Azobenzene liquid crystal polymer-based membrane and cantilever optical systems", Opt. Express, 2009, 17.
- Green, L., Li, Y., White, T., Urbas, A., Bunning, T., and Li, Q.*, "Light-driven molecular switches with tetrahedral and axial chirality", Org. Biomol. Chem., 2009, 7.
- White, T.J., Tabiryan, N.V., Serak, S.V., Grozhyk, V.A., Tondiglia, V.P., Koerner, H., Vaia, R.A., and Bunning, T.J.*, “High Frequency Photodriven Oscillations in Polymer Cantilevers”, Soft Matter, 2008, 4, 1796. (Featured in Nature, featured in Optics and Photonics Focus, Top 10 accessed in October 2008)
- Koerner, H., White, T.J., Tabiryan, N.V., Bunning, T.J., and Vaia, R.A.*, “Photoresponsive Polymers: Using Light to Create Work”, Materials Today, 2008, July issue. (Feature article, cover illustration)
Graduate School Publications at Iowa:
- White, T.J., Natarajan, L.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Sutherland, R.L., Bunning, T.J., and Guymon, C.A.*, “The Influence of Additives and Monomer Functionality on the Evolution of Liquid Crystal Phase Separation in Acrylate-based Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals”, Liquid Crystals, 2007, 12, 1377.
- White, T.J., Natarajan, L.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Sutherland, R.L., Bunning, T.J., and Guymon, C.A.*, “Holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystals (HPDLCs) containing triallyl isocyanurate monomer”, Polymer, 2007, 48, 5979.
- White, T.J., Liechty, W.B., and Guymon, C.A.*, “The Influence of N-Vinyl Pyrrolidone on Polymerization Kinetics and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Crosslinked Acrylate Polymers”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2007, 45, 4062.
- White, T.J., Natarajan, L.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Sutherland, R.L., Bunning, T.J., and Guymon, C.A.*, “Monomer Functionality and Polymerization Kinetics in Thiol-ene Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals (PDLCs)”, Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 1112.
- White, T.J., Natarajan, L.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Sutherland, R.L., Bunning, T.J., and Guymon, C.A.*, “Monomer Functionality Effects in the Formation of Thiol-ene Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals”, Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 1121.
- White, T.J., Liechty, W.B., Natarajan, L.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Bunning, T.J., and Guymon, C.A.*, “The Influence of N-Vinyl Pyrrolidinone in Polymerization of Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals (HPDLCs)”, Polymer, 2006, 47, 2289.
- Klosterman, J., Natarajan, L.V., Tondiglia, V.P., Sutherland, R.L., White, T.J., Guymon, C.A., and Bunning, T.J.*, “The influence of surfactant in reflective HPDLC gratings”, Polymer, 2004, 45, 7219.