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Grade Replacement Update: Retroactive Approval Processing

As discussed earlier this semester, in order to equitably implement the temporary grade replacement policy adjustment announced in February, the Office of the Registrar has received approval to retroactively apply grade replacement through Summer 2021 for students retaking eligible courses.

This processing will be completed by the following dates:

  • May 14 for eligible courses retaken in Summer 2020–Spring 2021
  • Aug. 12 for eligible courses retaken in Summer 2021

Please note that this policy adjustment does not apply to courses for which the most recent prior attempt occurred before Spring 2020. In other words, if a student is currently retaking a course they attempted in Fall 2019 or earlier, we will not retroactively apply grade replacement on their behalf.

Also, if you're contacted by a student regarding their eligibility under the grade replacement policy adjustment, feel free to use some or all of the language below in your response.

Language for students
If you're retaking a class this semester but missed the deadline to apply for grade replacement, the Office of the Registrar may automatically apply grade replacement on your behalf if: 1) you and the course meet all other grade replacement eligibility requirements, and 2) your most recent prior attempt of the course occurred as early as Spring 2020 and as late as Spring 2021.

This process is related to a temporary grade replacement policy adjustment that allows students who earned a low grade in a course taken between Spring 2020 and Summer 2021 to retake that course for grade replacement without it counting against their total grade replacement credit limit.

If grade replacement is automatically applied on your behalf, you'll receive a confirmation email from the Office of the Registrar on or around the following dates:

  • May 14 for eligible courses retaken in Summer 2020–Spring 2021
  • Aug. 12 for eligible courses retaken in Summer 2021

The Office of the Registrar cannot check individual students' eligibility ahead of this automated process.

Please note: This process is limited to courses that fall under the temporary grade replacement policy adjustment. If your most recent prior attempt occurred before the Spring 2020 semester, the Office of the Registrar cannot retroactively apply grade replacement to your retaken class.