CU Boulder Catalog Update
Greetings, catalog contributors!
Now that the 2017–18 catalog has been published, we wanted to share a few updates and instructions on requesting catalog edits and upcoming projects.
New Ticketing System for Catalog Edits
In order to expedite change requests, the Office of the Registrar has implemented a ticketing system to organize catalog edits.
- To request an edit to catalog content (e.g., overviews, descriptions, program requirements, photos, etc.), complete the online Content Edit Request form. Include links to the pages needing edits and a description of the proposed content changes.
- To request changes to faculty lists, complete the online Faculty Edit Request form and include as many details and links to pages as possible.
- If you’re having trouble finding something, email with a description of the content you’re looking for and a link to its location in the 2016–17 catalog.
In each of these cases, you’ll receive a confirmation email that a change request has been created.
The catalog will be considered final as of the first day of fall classes. Please submit all revisions to the 2017–18 catalog, including curriculum changes, faculty edits and text updates, by Friday, Aug. 18.
Course Changes in the Catalog
One of the new features of the 2017–18 catalog is course integration into plan-of-study tables and the ability to click on a course number to view the course’s description, requisites and departmental categories.
Since course details are pulled directly from Campus Solutions, the Academic Scheduling team in the Office of the Registrar handles course proposals and revisions. To edit course content, submit a Course Revision Form or Course Proposal Form to your dean’s office for processing.
New or edited courses submitted to the Academic Scheduling team will be reflected in the catalog at the end of the month in which they’re processed.
Coming Soon: CIM Curriculum Management
Over the next several months, the Office of the Registrar will be working with academic units to streamline requests and build online workflows for curriculum creation and approval. Course proposals, revisions, new programs and changes to degree requirements will all be processed and approved via the online management system. The new tool will also integrate with the public catalog, eliminating redundant editing, and will seamlessly publish curriculum revisions. Stay tuned for additional details.
2018–19 University Catalog
It’s never too early to start thinking about revisions to the next catalog, especially if your department plans on introducing new programs or revising courses. The next catalog will open for edits in mid-October.
Best regards,