Education: PhD, Northwestern University, 1985
Research Interests: stereotyping and intergroup relations, and person perception and impression formation.
One line of recent work in the stereotyping domain includes the role of race in decisions to shoot armed and unarmed targets, and in particular how expertise can facilitate cognitive control over such decisions.
A second line concerns implicit role associations between women and childrearing, and men and work. In this research we argue that well-learned implicit cultural associations increase the likelihood that professionally trained women will leave their positions when tensions between work and family responsiblities become too great, and decrease the likelihood that men will make these tradeoffs.
A third area concerns ideologies towards interethnic interactions and the conditions under which these can facilitate versus harm interethnic relations. In the domain of person perception, my current active research projects concerns impression formation regarding traits, attitudes and values, how these play out in the political domain, and the role of projection in making such judgments.