Include the six consult rooms 218, 290, 331, 333, 335, 337. Capacity: 4 people
- The overflow rooms are primarily for graduate students to meet with their undergraduate students during office hours. Graduate students can reserve a 1-hour period by contacting the point person in their department. The overflow rooms are not meant to be scheduled on a continuous basis during someone’s office hours, but rather may be scheduled when graduate students think they will have a great deal of traffic because of an impending assignment or exam. If a room is empty, it can be used for an hour or until someone with an online reservation claims it, whichever comes first. Undergraduates can use the rooms that are empty.
- Exemptions from the 1-hour rule will be made in order to allow for accommodations stipulated by Disability Services, such as extra time for exams. All other requests for exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.
- Faculty can schedule a room for the purposes of meeting with graduate students or undergraduate students.
To reserve one of these rooms, please contact Kaysie Larson (Primary Contact) or Jana Jones (Secondary Contact).