Graduate Program
The graduate program in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) is designed to provide students with diverse opportunities for acquiring a strong foundation in these areas of modern biology and applying it toward the generation of new knowledge through research.
The Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology currently has over 30 full-time tenured/ tenure-track faculty members and an outstanding, energetic research program directed toward understanding the molecular basis of life by integrating molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics.
In addition to regular courses, we offer numerous venues for learning and interaction with your scientific peers. You can enjoy seminars by visiting researchers, informal Friday afternoon seminars, weekly inter-research group meetings, and journal clubs that cover; genetics, molecular biology, developmental biology, and cell biology.
MCDB students and faculty are strongly committed to improving STEM culture and promoting an inclusive environment. To address the inequities and systemic racism that plague the academy in general and specifically in science, MCDB is committed to recruiting, training, and retaining graduate students from all backgrounds.
Nearby scientific meetings on many topics in biology attract a large number of visitors to the department. Other scientific visitors come to Boulder to use our many core facilities, to visit and speak at biotechnology companies in the area, and to spend their sabbaticals in MCDB.
Look at "Faculty Research Areas" at CU Experts to explore in detail the interests of our faculty. There you will also find a complete list of their publications. Look at the various lab websites put together by our faculty for further details about their labs.