Grad Students






Undergraduate Course Section Time Days Room Instructor Class
MATH 1012
Quant Reason/Math Skills 001 8:00-8:50 MWF ECCR 155  Maggiore 32 48
Quant Reason/Math Skills 002 9:05-9:55 MWF ECCR 155  Maggiore 32 48
Quant Reason/Math Skills 003 10:10-11:00 MWF ECCR 135  Vargas-Rosario 32 47
Quant Reason/Math Skills 004 11:15-12:05 MWF ECCR 155  Maggiore 32 48
Quant Reason/Math Skills 005 12:20-1:10 MWF ECCR 155  Maggiore 32 48
Quant Reason/Math Skills 006 1:25-2:15 MWF MUEN E126  Vargas-Rosario 32 34
Quant Reason/Math Skills 007 8:00-9:15 TTH REMOTE  Eby 32
Quant Reason/Math Skills 008 9:30-10:45 TTH REMOTE  Eby 32
Quant Reason/Math Skills 009 11:00-12:15 TTH ECCR 155  Pass 30 48
Quant Reason/Math Skills 010 12:30-1:45 TTH ECCR 151  Pass 32 48
Quant Reason/Math Skills 011 12:30-1:45 TTH REMOTE  Shor 32
Quant Reason/Math Skills 012 2:00-3:15 TTH MUEN E118  Pass 32 34
Quant Reason/Math Skills 013 2:00-3:15 TTH REMOTE  Shor 32
MATH 1110 Math for Elementary Educators 1 001 11:15-12:05 MWF ECCS 1B14  Moritz 30 30
Math for Elementary Educators 1 002 2:30-3:20 MWF MUEN E118  Moritz 28 34
MATH 1112
Mathematical Analysis in Business 001 8:00-8:50 MTWF MATH 170  Esayah 32 40
BUSN Majors Only 002 8:00-8:50 MTWF ECCR 139  Harper 29 29
BUSN Majors Only 003 9:05-9:55 MTWF MATH 170  Esayah 32 40
BUSN Majors Only 004 9:05-9:55 MTWF ECCR 116  Knutsen 27 27
BUSN Majors Only 005 10:10-11:00 MTWF MATH 170  Newberry 32 40
BUSN Majors Only 006 10:10-11:00 MTWF ECCR 139  Esayah 29 29
BUSN Majors Only 008 11:15-12:05 MTWF ECCR 116  Newberry 27 27
BUSN Majors Only 009 12:20-1:10 MTWF MATH 170  Esayah 32 40
NO ENROLLMENT RESTRICTION 012 2:30-3:20 MTWF GUGG 206  Momken 32 37
BUSN Majors Only 013 3:35-4:25 MTWF MATH 170  Momken 32 40
BUSN Majors Only 014 4:40-5:30 MTWF MATH 170  Roy 32 40
Mathematical Analysis in Business 020 ONLINE  Saad 34
Mathematical Analysis in Business 021 ONLINE  Carvajal-Bakke 34
Mathematical Analysis in Business 022 ONLINE  Carvajal-Bakke 34
Mathematical Analysis in Business 023 ONLINE  Carvajal-Bakke 34
Mathematical Analysis in Business 024 ONLINE  Carvajal-Bakke 34
Mathematical Analysis in Business 025 ONLINE  Khalifa 34
Mathematical Analysis in Business 026 ONLINE  Stocker 34
Mathematical Analysis in Business 027 ONLINE  Stocker 34
Mathematical Analysis in Business 028 ONLINE  Stocker 34
Leeds RAP BUSN 610R 8:00-8:50 MTWF CHEY 240  Davis 30 44
Leeds RAP BUSN 611R 8:00-8:50 MTWF CHEY 140  Khalifa 30 141
Leeds RAP BUSN 613R 9:05-9:55 MTWF CHEY 140  Khalifa 30 44
Leeds RAP BUSN 614R 9:05-9:55 MTWF CHEY 240  Harper 45 141
Leeds RAP BUSN 615R 10:10-11:00 MTWF CHEY 140  Khalifa 30 44
Leeds RAP BUSN 616R 10:10-11:00 MTWF CHEY 240  Harper 45 141
Leeds RAP BUSN 617R 11:15-12:05 MTWF CHEY 140  Davis 30 44
Leeds RAP BUSN 618R 12:20-1:10 MTWF CHEY 140  Truman 30 44
Leeds RAP BUSN 619R 12:20-1:10 MTWF CHEY 252B  Momken 30 32
Leeds RAP BUSN 620R 1:25-2:15 MTWF CHEY 252B  Roy 30 32
Leeds RAP BUSN 621R 2:30-3:20 MTWF CHEY 240  Roy 45 141
Leeds RAP BUSN 622R 2:30-3:20 MTWF CHEY 252B  Knutsen 30 32
Leeds RAP BUSN 623R 3:35-4:25 MTWF CHEY 240  Roy 45 32
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 640R 10:10-11:00 MTWF ANDS N103  Davis 30 30
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 641R 11:15-12:05 MTWF ANDS N103  Knutsen 30 30
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 642R 12:20-1:10 MTWF ANDS N103  Wynne 30 30
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 643R 1:25-2:15 MTWF ANDS N103  Davis 30 30
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 644R 2:30-3:20 MTWF ANDS N103  Wynne 30 30
Honors & Scholars LLC 670 8:00-8:50 MTWF ECCR 151  Wynne 30 48
Honors & Scholars LLC 671 9:05-9:55 MTWF MUEN E118  Wynne 30 34
Honors & Scholars LLC 672 1:25-2:15 MTWF ECCR 116  Saad 27 27
Honors & Scholars LLC 673 3:35-4:25 MTWF GUGG 206  Knutsen 30 37
Honors & Scholars LLC 674 4:40-5:30 MTWF HUMN 190  Momken 30 32
MATH 1150
Muro (ASST TA -1)
Lyness (3)
Tallana (3)
Pre-Calculus Math 001 8:00-8:50 MTWF MUEN E130  Bukshtynov 28 28
Pre-Calculus Math 002 9:05-9:55 MTWF HUMN 190  Neff 30 34
Pre-Calculus Math 004 12:20-1:10 MTWF MUEN E130  Stalvey 28 28
Pre-Calculus Math 005 12:20-1:10 MTWF ECCR 139  Reardon 29 29
Pre-Calculus Math 006 1:25-2:15 MTWF MUEN E130  Truman 28 28
Pre-Calculus Math 007 2:30-3:20 MTWF CLRE 302  Truman 30 35
Pre-Calculus Math 008 3:35-4:25 MTWF MUEN D439  Truman 27 27
MATH 1151 PreCalculus Supplemental Lab 001 9:05-10:55 TH MATH 170  Hallowell 25 40
(MATH 1150 Co requisite) 002 11:15-1:05 TH MATH 170  Hallowell 25 40
PreCalculus Supplemental Lab 003 1:25-3:15 TH MATH 170  Machen 25 40
MATH 1212
Data and Models 001 8:00-8:50 MWF MUEN E064  Noyes 34 40
Data and Models 002 9:05-9:55 MWF MUEN E432  Vargas-Rosario 34 48
Data and Models 003 10:10-11:00 MWF MUEN E126  Knutsen 34 34
Data and Models 004 10:10-11:00 MWF MUEN E123  Hong, E 34 34
Data and Models 005 11:15-12:05 MWF MUEN E126  Hong, E 34 34
Data and Models 006 12:20-1:10 MWF MUEN E064  Hong, E 34 40
Data and Models 007 1:25-2:15 MWF DUAN G2B21  Bronstein 32 32
Data and Models 008 2:30-3:20 MWF MUEN E432  Hong, E 34 48
Data and Models 009 3:35-4:25 MWF STAD 135  Vargas-Rosario 32 32
Data and Models 010 4:40-5:30 MWF ECCR 1B55  Vargas-Rosario 34 48
MATH 1300
Glass (3)
Lee (3)
Li (3)
Peacock (3)
Reyes (3)
Wilson (ASST TA -1)
Woodcock (3)
Wu Lu (3)
Calculus 1 001 8:00-8:50 M-F CLRE 302  Nerella 30 35
Calculus 1 002 8:00-8:50 M-F MUEN E118  Scott-Janda 30 34
Calculus 1 003 8:00-8:50 M-F CLRE 211  Rumanov 30 30
Calculus 1 004 10:10-11:00 M-F CLRE 302  Maher 30 35
Calculus 1 005 10:10-11:00 M-F MUEN D439  Meier 27 27
Calculus 1 006 10:10-11:00 M-F MUEN E130  Scott-Janda 28 28
Calculus 1 007 11:15-12:05 M-F CLRE 302  Meier 30 35
Calculus 1 008 11:15-12:05 M-F GUGG 206  Bukshtynov 30 37
Calculus 1 009 11:15-12:05 M-F MUEN E130  Stalvey 28 28
Calculus 1 010 12:20-1:10 M-F CLRE 301  Scott-Janda 30 32
Calculus 1 011 12:20-1:10 M-F CLRE 302  Rogers 30 35
Calculus 1 012 12:20-1:10 M-F MUEN D439  Graf 27 27
Calculus 1 013 1:25-2:15 M-F CLRE 302  Barhite 30 35
Calculus 1 014 1:25-2:15 M-F GUGG 206  Klos 30 37
Calculus 1 015 2:30-3:20 M-F MUEN E130  Barhite 28 28
Calculus 1 016 2:30-3:20 M-F ECCR 139  Rumanov 29 29
Calculus 1 017 2:30-3:20 M-F MUEN D439  Graf 27 27
Calculus 1 018 3:35-4:25 M-F CLRE 302  Orvis 30 35
Calculus 1 019 3:35-4:25 M-F ECCR 116  Kitchen 27 27
Calculus 1 020 3:35-4:25 M-F MUEN E130  Bukshtynov 28 28
Calculus 1 021 4:40-5:30 M-F CLRE 302  El Sai 30 35
Calculus 1 022 4:40-5:30 M-F MUEN E130  Bukshtynov 28 28
MATH 1301 Calculus 1 Supplemental Lab 800 9:05-9:55 MW CLRE 209  Hauf 28 35
MATH 2001 Intro to Discrete Math 001 9:05-9:55 MWF ECCR 108  Meier 28 28
Intro to Discrete Math 002 10:10-11:00 MWF ECCR 108  Casalaina-Martin 28 28
Intro to Discrete Math 003 11:15-12:05 MWF ECCR 131  Casalaina-Martin 28 28
Intro to Discrete Math 004 12:20-1:10 MWF ECCR 131  Stade 28 28
Intro to Discrete Math 005 1:25-2:15 MWF CHEM 145  Farsi 28 36
MATH 2002 Number Systems 001 9:05-9:55 MWF DUAN G2B41  Pflaum 28 36
MATH 2130 Lin Algebra for Non-Math Majors 001 9:05-9:55 MWF CLRE 104  Aten 32 34
Lin Algebra for Non-Math Majors 002 10:10-11:00 MWF MUEN E118  Grant 32 34
Lin Algebra for Non-Math Majors 003 11:15-12:05 MWF CLUB 13  Montoya 32 42
Lin Algebra for Non-Math Majors 004 12:20-1:10 MWF DUAN G2B21  Daugherty 32 36
Lin Algebra for Non-Math Majors 005 12:20-1:10 MWF DUAN G2B47  Mohanakumar 32 47
Lin Algebra for Non-Math Majors 006 2:30-3:20 MWF ECCR 1B51  John 32 48
MATH 2135 Lin Algebra for Math Majors 001 9:05-9:55 MWF RAMY N1B75  Mayr 28 30
Lin Algebra for Math Majors 002 1:25-2:15 MWF ECCR 131  Beaudry 28 28
MATH 2300
Carpenter (ASST TA -1)
Macula (3)
McCann (3)
Ward-Chene (3)
Xia (3)
Zhu (3)
Calculus 2 001 8:00-8:50 M-F ECCR 1B51  Haag 30 32
Calculus 2 002 8:00-8:50 M-F MUEN E126  Robertson 30 34
Calculus 2 003 9:05-9:55 M-F CLRE 301  Christoffersen 30 32
Calculus 2 004 9:05-9:55 M-F CLRE 302  Kim 30 35
Calculus 2 005 9:05-9:55 M-F MUEN E130  Scott-Janda 28 28
Calculus 2 006 11:15-12:05 M-F ECCR 139  Scott-Janda 29 29
Calculus 2 007 11:15-12:05 M-F HUMN 190  Davenport 30 34
Calculus 2 008 11:15-12:05 M-F MUEN D144  Eblen 30 32
Calculus 2 009 12:20-1:10 M-F MUEN D144  Dalton 30 32
Calculus 2 010 1:25-2:15 M-F HUMN 190  Jones 30 34
Calculus 2 011 1:25-2:15 M-F MUEN D144  Dalton 30 32
Calculus 2 012 2:30-3:20 M-F MWF:HUMN 125 TTh: STAD 140  Oh 30 32
Calculus 2 013 2:30-3:20 M-F HUMN 190  LaJeunesse 30 34
Calculus 2 014 3:35-4:25 M-F CLRE 301  Rodriguez 30 32
Calculus 2 015 3:35-4:25 M-F HUMN 190  Graf 30 34
Calculus 2 016 4:40-5:30 M-F MUEN D439  Graf 27 27
MATH 2400
Doumont (3)
Gensler (ASST TA -1)
Heitzmann (3)
McCranie (3)
Powers (3)
Reeder (3)
Calculus 3 001 8:00-8:50 M-F GUGG 206  Wheeler 30 37
Calculus 3 002 8:00-8:50 M-F MUEN D144  Manley 30 32
Calculus 3 003 8:00-8:50 M-F MUEN E123  Miller 30 34
Calculus 3 004 9:05-9:55 M-F GUGG 206  Jackson 30 37
Calculus 3 005 9:05-9:55 M-F MUEN D144  Manley 30 32
Calculus 3 006 9:05-9:55 M-F ECCR 139  Deans 29 29
Calculus 3 007 10:10-11:00 M-F GUGG 206  Watson 30 37
Calculus 3 008 10:10-11:00 M-F MUEN D144  Roberson 30 32
Calculus 3 009 12:20-1:10 M-F GUGG 206  Jones 30 37
Calculus 3 010 1:25-2:15 M-F ECCR 139  Jamesson 29 29
Calculus 3 011 2:30-3:20 M-F MUEN D144  Jones 30 32
Calculus 3 012 2:30-3:20 M-F ECCR 116  Shearer 27 27
Calculus 3 013 3:35-4:25 M-F ECCR 139  Meadors 29 29
Calculus 3 014 3:35-4:25 M-F MUEN D144  Yang 30 32
Calculus 3 015 4:40-5:30 M-F ECCR 116  DeLand 27 27
Calculus 3 016 4:40-5:30 M-F MUEN D144  Yang 30 32
MATH 2510
Introduction to Statistics 001 8:00-8:50 MWF ECCR 1B55  Yacoub 34 48
Introduction to Statistics 002 8:00-8:50 MWF DUAN G2B21  Hong, J 34 36
Introduction to Statistics 004 9:05-9:55 MWF CLRE 211  Yang 34 34
Introduction to Statistics 005 9:05-9:55 MWF MUEN E126  Ornstein 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 006 9:05-9:55 MWF KCEN N252  Yacoub 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 007 9:05-9:55 MWF VAC 1B90  Hong, J 34 43
Introduction to Statistics 008 10:10-11:00 MWF DUAN G2B21  Manley 34 36
Introduction to Statistics 009 10:10-11:00 MWF KCEN N252  Yacoub 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 010 10:10-11:00 MWF CLRE 104  Yang 34 34
Introduction to Statistics 011 11:15-12:05 MWF KCEN N252  Ornstein 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 012 11:15-12:05 MWF KCEN N100/101  Wheeler 34 52
Introduction to Statistics 013 11:15-12:05 MWF CLRE 211  Yang 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 014 12:20-1:10 MWF MUEN E118  Wheeler 34 34
Introduction to Statistics 015 12:20-1:10 MWF KCEN N252  Ornstein 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 016 12:20-1:10 MWF DUAN G2B60  Yacoub 34 43
Introduction to Statistics 017 1:25-2:15 MWF CLRE 211  Yacoub 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 018 1:25-2:15 MWF MBE 157  Balentine 34 86
Introduction to Statistics 019 1:25-2:15 MWF KCEN N252  Ornstein 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 021 2:30-3:20 MWF KCEN N252  Montelius 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 022 2:30-3:20 MWF ECCR 150  Wheeler 34 64
Introduction to Statistics 023 3:35-4:25 MWF CLRE 211  Wheeler 30 30
Introduction to Statistics 024 3:35-4:25 MWF ECCR 151  Saad 34 48
Introduction to Statistics 025 3:35-4:25 MWF ECCR 155  Hong, J 34 48
Introduction to Statistics 027 4:40-5:30 MWF ECCR 155  Hong, J 34 48
Introduction to Statistics 028 4:40-5:30 MWF ECCR 151  Saad 34 48
Introduction to Statistics 029 Online Section  Grulke 36
Introduction to Statistics 030 Online Section  Kraus 36
Introduction to Statistics 031 Online Section  Eby 36
Introduction to Statistics 032 Online Section  Saad 36
Introduction to Statistics 033 Online Section  Grulke 36
Introduction to Statistics 034 Online Section  Eby 36
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 641R 10:10-11:00 MWF KCEN N100/N101  Timmer 30 52
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 642R 12:20-1:10 MWF KCEN N100/N101  Timmer 45 52
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 643R 1:25-2:15 MWF KCEN N100/N101  Timmer 45 52
LEEDS RAP Pre-BUSN 644R 2:30-3:20 MWF KCEN N100/N101  Balentine 28 52
Introduction to Statistics 880 9:05-9:55 MWF LIBR N424A  Balentine 18 18
Introduction to Statistics 888R 11:15-12:05 MWF SMTH S200C  Balentine 16 18
MATH 3001 Analysis 1 001 9:05-9:55 MWF MCOL E186  Wise 27 31
Analysis 1 002 12:20-1:10 MWF ECCR 118  Pflaum 27 27
Analysis 1 003 2:30-3:20 MWF ECCR 118  O'Rourke 27 27
MATH 3120 Functions and Modeling 001 2:00-3:15 MW MATH 170  Roberson 25 40
MATH 3140 Abstract Algebra 1 001 11:15-12:05 MWF ECCR 108  Green 28 28
MATH 3170 Combinatorics 1 001 2:30-3:20 MWF ECCR 131  Thiem 28 28
MATH 3430 Ordinary Diff Equations 001 9:05-9:55 MWF MUEN E123  Delfin 32 34
Ordinary Diff Equations 002 11:15-12:05 MWF ECCR 1B55  Nguyen 32 48
Ordinary Diff Equations 003 12:20-1:10 MWF MUEN E126  Farsi 32 47
Ordinary Diff Equations 004 1:25-2:15 MWF CASE E250  John 32 42
MATH 3510 Probability and Statistics 001 3:35-4:25 MWF ECCR 108  Bronstein 28 28
MATH 3850
SIGMI 801 10:10-11:00 T CLRE 208  1150 - Stalvey 16 36
SIGMI 802 10:10-11:00 T MATH 350  1300 - Barhite 16 25
SIGMI 803 9:05-9:55 T CLRE 208  2300 - Dalton 16 36
SIGMI 804 9:05-9:55 T MATH 220  2400 - Roberson 16 16
MATH 4000/5000 Foundations of Mathematics 001 10:10-11:00 MWF RAMY N1B75  Mayr 25 30
MATH 4001/5001 Analysis 2 001 9:05-9:55 MWF EKLC E1B75  Deeley 25 32
MATH 4230/5230 Diff Geometry/Curves/Surfaces 001 1:25-2:15 MWF DUAN G2B47  Clelland 25 47
MATH 4440/5440 Coding and Cryptography 001 10:10-11:00 MWF DUAN G2B60  Stange 25 43
MATH 4470/5470 Part. Diff. Equations 1 001 11:15-12:05 MWF RAMY N1B75  Clelland 25 48
Part. Diff. Equations 1 002 2:30-3:20 MWF CLRE 104  Agrawal 25 34
MATH 4510/5510 Intro to Probability Theory 001 9:05-9:55 MWF DUAN G2B60  Nguyen 25 43
Intro to Probability Theory 002 12:20-1:10 MWF STAD 112  Kuznetsov 25 42
Intro to Probability Theory 003 2:30-3:20 MWF DUAN G2B41  Stade 25 32
MATH 4520/5520 Intro to Math Statistics 001 2:30-3:20 MWF KTCH 1B71 APPM 30 48
Intro to Math Statistics 002 12:20-1:10 MWF ECCS 1B28 APPM 30 48
MATH 4820/5820 History of Math 001 10:10-11:00 MWF ECCR 131  Kearnes 25 28
Graduate Course Section Time Days Room Instructor Class
MATH 5000/4000 Foundations of Mathematics 001 10:10-11:00 MWF RAMY N1B75  Mayr 10 30
MATH 5001/4001 Analysis 2 001 9:05-9:55 MWF EKLC E1B75  Deeley 3 32
MATH 5230/4230 Diff Geometry/Curves/Surfaces 001 1:25-2:15 MWF DUAN G2B47  Clelland 3 30
MATH 5440/4440 Coding and Cryptography 001 10:10-11:00 MWF DUAN G2B60  Stange 3 43
MATH 5470/4470 Part Diff Equations I 001 11:15-12:05 MWF RAMY N1B75  Clelland 3 48
Part Diff Equations I 002 2:30-3:20 MWF CLRE 104  Agrawal 3 34
MATH 5510/4510 Intro to Probability Theory 001 9:05-9:55 MWF DUAN G2B60  Nguyen 3 43
Intro to Probability Theory 002 12:20-1:10 MWF STAD 112  Kuznetsov 3 42
Intro to Probability Theory 003 2:30-3:20 MWF DUAN G2B41  Stade 3 32
MATH 5520/4520 Intro to Math Statistics 001 2:30-3:20 MWF KTCH 1B71 APPM 5 86
APPM 5520/4520 002 12:20-1:10 MWF ECCS 1B28 APPM 5 78
MATH/APPM 5600 Numerical Analysis 1 001 9:05-9:55 MWF ECCR 151 APPM 3 48
MATH 5820/4820 History of Math 001 10:10-11:00 MWF ECCR 131  Kearnes 3 28
MATH 5905 Math Teacher Training 001 1:25-2:15 T MATH 350  Stalvey 20
MATH 6020 Category Theory 001 9:05-9:55 MWF ECCR 131  Kearnes 20 28
MATH 6110 Intro Number Theory 001 2:30-3:20 MWF DUAN G1B25  Stange 20 23
MATH 6130 Modern Algebra 1 001 11:15-12:05 MWF MATH 220  Thiem 16 16
MATH 6150 Commutative Algebra 001 11:15-12:05 MWF ECCR 110  Ih 20 27
MATH 6210 Intro Topology I 001 12:20-1:10 MWF MATH 220  Beaudry 16 16
MATH 6240 Intro-Differ Geometry 2 001 12:20-1:10 MWF DUAN G2B41  Czubak 20 36
MATH 6280 Advanced Algebraic Topology 001 1:25-2:15 MWF CLUB 10  Petersen 20 20
MATH 6310 Intro Real Analysis 001 10:10-11:00 MWF CLRE 211  Agrawal 20 30
MATH 6534 Topics in Mathematical Probability 001 2:30-3:20 MWF DUAN G1B35  Englander 20 23
MATH 8330 Functional Analysis 1 001 1:25-2:15 MWF ECCR 110  Gorokhovsky 20 27
MATH 8370 Harmonic Analysis I 001 10:10-11:00 MWF MATH 220  Packer 16 16
SASC Course Section Time Days Room Instructor Class
MATH 1150 Precalculus 310R 11:15-12:05 M-F LBB 231 16 36
MATH 1300 Calculus 1 310R 11:15-12:05 M-F LBB 251 18 24
ARSC 1440 MASP Coseminar: Mathematics 310R 10:10-11:00 MWF LBB 251  Lorenzo 15 24
MASP Coseminar: Mathematics 311R 11:15-12:05 MWF LBB 153  Jenkins 15 24
MATH 2510 Introduction to Statistics 310R 10:10-11:00 M-F LBB 341 16 36
Continuing Ed Course Section Time Days Room Instructor Class
MATH 1300 Calculus 1 302E 0600-0700PM TTH REMOTE  Stocker 35
MATH 2510 Introduction to Statistics 300E 0530-0700PM M REMOTE  Eby 35

Updated Sep 06, 2024