Adam Hodges

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor

Adam Hodges is a sociocultural linguist who received his PhD from the University of Colorado in 2008. Since then, he has taught at Stanford University and Carnegie Mellon University—including two years at Carnegie Mellon’s home campus in Pittsburgh and four years at Carnegie Mellon’s international campus in Doha, Qatar, where he worked with a student body representing 40 different nationalities.

His research interests center on how language impacts contemporary social and political issues, such as the collective enactment of racism or the role language plays in politics. He is a regular columnist for Anthropology News; and his books include When Words Trump Politics: Resisting a Hostile Regime of Language (2019, Stanford University Press) and The ‘War on Terror’ Narrative: Discourse and Intertextuality in the Construction and Contestation of Sociopolitical Reality (2011, Oxford University Press). 

His research articles have appeared in American AnthropologistDiscourse & SocietyJournal of Linguistic Anthropology, Language & Communication, and Language in Society; and he has contributed to numerous teaching volumes that include Language and Social Justice in PracticeThe Handbook of Language and Politics, The Handbook of Discourse Analysis, and The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction.