Published: April 10, 2023

Dr. Sarah CrumpCongratulartions to PhD student Sara Padula who is the first ever recipient of the Sarah Crump Memorial Fellowship. The fellowship was created by the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) and Sarah Crump’s family in honor of Sarah Crump (pictured here), who received her PhD from INSTAAR at the University of University of Colorado Boulder. Dr. Crump was a Postdoc at UC-Santa Cruz and recently started an Assistant Professorship at the University of Utah's Department of Geology & Geophysics. 

“Science is one of the loves of my life, and I wish with my whole heart that I could continue the work that I started. The opportunity to create a fellowship that enables young women and other underrepresented groups to study earth or environmental science in Arctic or alpine regions is the next best thing. I’m honored to introduce the Sarah Crump Graduate Fellowship Fund. I have so much confidence in and hope for the next generation of scientists.” -Dr. Sarah Crump

Go to this link if you wish to donate to the fellowship to help future graduate students: