Wei Tian, Ph.D.


Ph.D. Thesis:

 "Coupled Simulation of Indoor Airflow, HVAC, Control, and Building Envelope" (2017)

2017 Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award by College of Engineering

First Job After Graduation:

Research Engineer at Schneider Electric


  • Outstanding Graduate Award. Department of Civil, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, University of Miami. 2017.
  • ASHRAE Grant-in-Aid Award. ASHRAE, $10,000. 2017.
  • Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award. College of Engineering, University of Miami. 2017.
  • NSF Travel Award for attending the Symposium on Building Energy Uncertainty and Risk Analysis at the Georgia Tech. 2014.
  • ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA student travel scholarship for attending the ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA Building Simulation Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. 2014.


Journal Papers:

  1. W. Tian, X. Han, W. Zuo, Q. Wang, Y. Fu, M. Jin 2019. “An Optimization Platform Based on Coupled Indoor Environment and HVAC Simulation and Its Application in Optimal Thermostat Placement.” Energy and Buildings, 199, pp. 342-251.
  2. W. Tian, J.W. VanGilder, X. Han, C.M. Healey, M.B. Condor, W. Zuo 2019. “A New Fast Fluid Dynamics Model for Data-Center Floor Plenums.” ASHRAE Transactions, 125, pp. 141-148.
  3. W. Tian, X. Han, W. Zuo, M. Sohn 2018. "Building Energy Simulation Coupled with CFD for Indoor Environment: A Critical Review and Recent Applications." Energy and Buildings, 165, pp.184-199.
  4. W. Tian, T. A. Sevilla, D. Li, W. Zuo, M. Wetter 2018. "Fast and Self-Learning Indoor Airflow Simulation Based on In Situ Adaptive Tabulation." Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 11(1), pp. 99-112.
  5. Q. Wang, Y. Pan, M. Zhu, Z. Huang, W. Tian, W. Zuo, X. Han, P. Xu 2017. "A State-Space Method for Real-Time Transient Simulation of Indoor Airflow." Building and Environment, 126, pp. 184-194.
  6. W. Tian, T. A. Sevilla, W. Zuo, M. Sohn 2017. "Coupling Fast Fluid Dynamics and Multizone Airflow Models in Modelica Buildings Library to Simulate the Dynamics of HVAC System." Building and Environment, 122, pp. 269-286.
  7. W. Tian, T. A. Sevilla, W. Zuo 2017. “A Systematic Evaluation of Accelerating Indoor Airflow Simulations Using Cross Platform Parallel Computing.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 10(3), pp. 243-255.
  8. W. Zuo, M. Wetter, W. Tian, D. Li, M. Jin, Q. Chen 2016. "Coupling Indoor Airflow, HVAC, Control and Building Envelope Heat Transfer in the Modelica Buildings Library.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 9(4), pp. 366-381.

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers:

  1. X. Han, W. Tian, W. Zuo, J.W. VanGilder 2019. “Optimization of Workload Distribution of Data Centers Based on a Self-Learning In Situ Adaptive Tabulation Model.” Proceeding of the 16th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (Building Simulation 2019), September 2-4, Rome, Italy.
  2. W. Tian, J.W. VanGilder, M.B. Condor, X. Han, W. Zuo 2019. “An Accurate Fast Fluid Dynamics Model for Data Center Applications.” The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm 2019), May 28-31, Las Vegas, NV. 
  3. W. Tian, Y. Fu, Q. Wang, T. A. Sevilla, W. Zuo 2018. “Optimization on Thermostat Location in an Office Room Using the Coupled Simulation Platform in Modelica Buildings Library: A Pilot Study.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE2018), pp. 569-574, February 5-9, Melbourne, Australia.  
  4. T. A. Sevilla, W. Tian, Y. Fu, W. Zuo 2018. “Low-Cost Acoustic Sensor Array for Building Geometry Mapping Using Echolocation for Real-Time Building Model Creation.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE2018), pp. 323-328, February 5-9, Melbourne, Australia. 
  5. W. Tian, W. Zuo, T. A. Sevilla, M. Sohn 2017. “Coupled Simulation Between CFD and Multizone Models Based on Modelica Buildings Library to Study Indoor Environment Control.” Proceedings of the 12th International Modelica Conference, pp. 55-61, May 15-17, Prague, Czech Republic.
  6. D. Li, W. Tian, W. Zuo, M. Wetter 2016. “Simulation Using In Situ Adaptive Tabulation and Fast Fluid Dynamics.” Proceedings of the ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA SimBuild 2016: Building Performance Modeling Conference, pp. 65-71, August 8-12, Salt Lake City, UT.
  7. M. Wetter, M. Bonvini, T. S. Nouidui, W. Tian, W. Zuo 2015. “Modelica Buildings Library 2.0.” Proceedings of the 14th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (Building Simulation 2015), pp. 387-394, December 7-9, Hyderabad, India.
  8. W. Zuo, M. Wetter, D. Li, M. Jin, W. Tian, Q. Chen 2014. “Coupled Simulation of Indoor Environment, HVAC and Control System by Using Fast Fluid Dynamics and the Modelica Buildings Library.” Proceedings of the 2014 ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA Building Simulation Conference, pp. 56-63, September 10-12, Atlanta, GA.
  9. W. Tian, W. Zuo 2013. “Literature Review and Research Needs to Couple Building Energy and Airflow Simulation.” Proceedings of the APEC Conference on Low-carbon Towns and Physical Energy Storage, pp. 492-496, May 25-26, Changsha, China.