Sustainable Buildings and Societies Laboratory
The SBS lab is in the process of transfering from University of Colorado Boulder to Penn State University in the Spring of 2022. Our new website at Penn State is here.
Mission Statement

Thanks to the interdisciplinary nature in our research, Dr. Zuo, the director of SBS Lab, is associated with three Interdisciplinary Research Themes (IRTs) at the College of Engieering & Applied Science, including Water Energy Nexus IRT, Autonomous Systems IRT and Resilient Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity, as well as three Interdisciplinary Research Programs at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, including Building Systems Engineering, Civil Systems, and Engineering Science. Dr. Zuo is also Affiliated Faculty at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Community Engagement, Design and Research Center (CEDaR). In addition, he holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and has collaborations with six DOE national labs. We have also contributed to many open source tools for the simulation of building and community systems.
We have multiple fully funded Ph.D. student positions for Fall 2022 at Penn State. See Openings for more details.