
Isopropyl alcohol is added to dark green crystals in a crucible or on a candle.  Flames are produced, igniting the candle wick.


2CrO3 + 3(CH3)2CHOH  3(CH3)2CO + Cr2O3 + 3H2O

Isopropyl alcohol is oxidized to acetone by the chromium trioxide.  Heat given off by the reaction ignites the acetone.

To Conduct Demonstration

  1.  Drop isopropyl alcohol (from a height of about 18") into a crucible containing about a gram of CrO3 or onto a candle with CrO3 crystals next to its wick.

Safety and Disposal

Keep the dropper bottle of alcohol a safe distance from any flames.  Perform on a heat-proof surface.  Chromium compounds are carcinogenic and should be handled with care.