
A seed crystal can be dropped into a saturated solution of sodium acetate.  The solution will suddenly crystallize and turn to solid.  Alternately, the solution may be slowly poured out onto a seed crystal on a flat surface.  The solution will crystallize as it touches the crystal, resulting in an increasingly tall tower of sodium acetate.

NaC2H3O2(aq) → NaC2H3O2 • xH2O(s) + ∆

To Conduct Demonstration

  1. Carefully drop a seed crystal into a flask of saturated sodium acetate.  Solution will immediately crystallize into a solid and give off a large quantity of heat.


  1. Place a seed crystal of sodium acetate on a board or flat piece of plastic.  Slowly pour saturated sodium acetate solution onto the crystal.  A tower of crystallized sodium acetate will grow upwards.

Note:  Please be aware that, even with the greatest care, saturated sodium acetate solutions are prone to crystallize spontaneously.  The farther the flasks are carried, the greater the risk.

Demo Time: ~? minutes


Dispose in the appropriate waste container 


B. Shakhashiri, Chemical Demonstrations Vol. 1, p 27, 1992.


Margaret Asirvatham, Spring 1995
Lora Ruffin and Michael Polk, Summer 2009