How to find us:
We are located on the University of Colorado Boulder campus in the Center for Community, Suite S355. (Please note that our building is coded as 'C4C' on the map.)

Office hours:
Academic year office hours: 9:00am - 4:30 pm (Mountain Time)
Summer office hours: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (Mountain Time)

Directions to Boulder from Denver International Airport (without car):

To get to Boulder from the airport, there are a few options. Either the SkyRide bus (RTD) or commuter shuttles are generally the most cost effective options. The bus can drop you off at a number of locations (including Broadway at the edge of campus and in downtown Boulder).  The shuttles can often drop you anywhere. Click here for more information on ground transportation options.

Directions to Boulder from Denver International Airport (by car)

Accommodations in Boulder

General Boulder information

Non-smoking campus: Please note that as of August 19, 2013, our campus will be a Smoke Free Campus, including the prohibition of smoking in all indoor and outdoor areas. For more information on this policy, please see our No Smoking Policy.

Emergency contacts: In an emergency, if you can't reach either your normal contact or the Office, call the CU-Boulder Police at (303) 492-6666.