Student Activism Resources
Campus protests have been a part of the higher education landscape for many years and are part of a process for students to voice their concerns, address needs and advocate for specific things on campus and beyond. Protests represent one piece of organizing around change on a college campus and while the most visible, often is the culmination of many hours of work for student organizers.
Whether you’re contemplating participating in a demonstration or well-versed in protest experiences, we want to provide some helpful tools to help make the most of your experience. Below is a list of resources for you to use for demonstration planning/participation on and off campus.
Campus Resources
At the stage where planning an event, demonstration, or protest will help shape your advocacy? It’s important to know what campus policies exist as well as what resources you have to support your efforts.
Event planning guide for students and student organizations at CU Boulder
Contact CU Events Planning & Catering to reserve your event space
Campus Use of University Facilities establishes the parameters for using the entire Boulder campus, which includes all indoor and outdoor spaces. This resource is helpful in learning and understanding what is allowable on campus for this such as chalking, canvassing, amplified sound and posting flyers.
Check out CSI’s marketing and advertising guide for detailed information on how to get the word out about your events.
Needing to focus your efforts towards virtual events and meetings? Check out these resources for engaging people virtually.
Activism and Advocacy Resources
Introduction to Activism, Permanent Culture Now
Why Being a Student Activist is More Than Just Being Mad about Something, Huffington Post
Campus Organizing Guide for Social Justice Groups, Campus Activism
Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide, SPLC
What College Activists Want, Chronicle of Higher Education
Student Activism 2.0, Harvard
Student Activism, Politics and Campus Climate in Higher Education (book)
Identity-Based Student Activism: Power and Oppression on College Campuses (book)
Rise Up!: Activism as Education (book)
Supporting Civics Education with Student Activism: Citizens for a Democratic Society (book)
Organizing and Planning Resources
Students’ Rights: Speech, Walkouts and Other Protests, ACLU
How to Organize an Effective, Safe and Peaceful Protest, Medium
The Art of Protesting: How to Organize a Protest that Brings Results, Huffington Post
Safely Protesting: Tips for before, during and after (PDF)
Free Speech Resources
Free Speech on Campus (book)
Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech (book)