
The program requirements include two core courses, each in a different core discipline of cognitive science. These core courses provide the necessary interdisciplinary background.

In addition, there are two advanced skills sequences, each of which involves a different core discipline of cognitive science. One of these sequences can be in the student’s major. This advanced skills sequence addresses interdisciplinary depth of knowledge.

Further, students are required to major in one of the cognitive science core disciplines:

  • Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Philosophy
  • Linguistics
  • Computer Science
  • Education
  • Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
  • Integrative Physiology
  • Information Science

To earn the certificate, students must take at least eight courses for a minimum of 24 credit hours. Additional credit hours may be required as prerequisites to classes chosen to fulfill the certificate plan of study, but these courses usually also fulfill degree requirements. Finally, students must receive a grade of C or better in all courses for the certificate and must have an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or better.

For a list of required courses, see the courses page.