Contact Us

Honors Program Office Hours

In-person office hours are usually Monday through Thursday from 9:00am-5:00pm
Coverage is not guaranteed; we sometimes close for lunch or due to staff vacation schedules.
Please consider scheduling an in-person appointment vs. dropping in.
Call 303-492-6617 or email to schedule a time.

Our in-person office hours are currently by appointment only during winter break.  Normal hours will resume on Monday, January 13th.

VIRTUAL office hours (phone, Teams, Zoom, and email) are Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm

Our offices close in accordance with all campus holidays, and in line with Norlin Library building hours.  
Click here to see CU's holiday schedule
Click here to see Norlin Library building hours

Main office:  Norlin Library (LIBR) M400M

Directions:  Use the west entrance of Norlin.  Turn right and take the southwest stairs to the 4th floor; we're to the right at the 4th floor landing.  If you prefer the elevator, use the west entrance of Norlin and locate the elevator in the alcove just before the northwest set of stairs.  Take it to the 4th floor.  When exiting the elevator, make a left "u-turn" down the hall.  Follow the long hall towards the recycling bins and turn right at the bend.  Our office is just ahead to your right past our bulletin board.  We look forward to seeing you!

If you need help finding Norlin Library, please click here to view a map

Do you have general questions about the Honors Program?
Do you have questions about the Thesis process?
Are you a prospective student or parent and want to talk about Honors?
Do you have questions about registering for a class?
Is there something else we can help with?

Here are your options to reach us:


Note: For questions about the Honors RAP or classes with sections ending in "R" please contact Carmen Jura at

**Students, faculty, and staff:

Microsoft Teams is available for free via OIT.  It is a convenient way to text chat, make audio calls, and make video calls to us and others on campus.
For instructions on installation, click here to visit OIT's informational webpage.