2021 History Department Commencement Program

​ 2021 History Department Commencement Powerpoint

Undergraduate Campus Awards & Scholarships

Chancellor’s Recognition Award
presented to graduating seniors with a 4.0 GPA

Benjamin Daniel Deitsch

Jacob Van Ek Scholarships
for excellence in academics & meaningful contributions to the
University of Colorado Boulder & the community

Natania Marie Bloch

Katherine J. Lamont Scholarships
awarded to continuing students for academic performance & dedication

Manuel Antonio Menocal-David 

Undergraduate History Awards

Honors Thesis Award

Cayden Stice
Welcome to Lesbian-Homoville: Queer Politics of Boulder, Colorado in the late-Twentieth Century
summa cum laude

Phillip Mitterling Paper Award

William Edward Bangs
Antislavery Sentiment's Effect on Elites of Color in Jamaica and Sanit-Domingue

Emily Margaret Volk Ray
Bridging the Gap Between Science and Craft: Dye Recipes in the Books of Secrets of Early Modern England

James Field Willard Service Award

Shannon Lynn Thompson
For outstanding work on the editorial board of the Colorado Historian student journal

Sofia Garnett Grant
For outstanding work on the editorial board of the Colorado Historian student journal