This checklist is meant to be used as a supplement to information obtained from the University Catalog and the graduate program, and as an aid to meeting Graduate School requirements for the doctoral degree. The graduate program should be consulted about specific additional requirements.

Pre-Candidacy (Early and mid-way through your degree program)

All courses listed on the Application for Admission to Candidacy must have been taught by members of the graduate faculty, must have grades of B- or better, and must be at the 5000 level or above. For policies concerning academic probation, refer to the graduate school rules in the University Catalog.

All courses 5000 or above must be taught by faculty who have been approved for a graduate faculty appointment. Membership on the University faculty does not automatically constitute an appointment to the graduate faculty. Contact your departmental graduate program assistant for questions concerning these appointments.

After completion of one semester (or six credit hours) with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, submit a transfer of credit request if applicable. Transfer credit is defined as any credit earned at another accredited institution, credits earned at another campus of the CU system, or credits earned as a non-degree student within the CU system. Work with your program to complete a Request for Transfer of Credit form. Each graduate program will review the courses for course content and may have requirements above and beyond those listed below.

Transfer of credit minimum requirements:

  • The transfer of credit limit is 21 credits for doctoral degrees.
  • Courses must have been taken at an accredited institution with a grade of B or better. 
  • Transfer work that is five years old or more at the time of transfer must be evaluated by the major department as to current relevance and applicability to degree requirements. 
  • Courses may not have been used toward a bachelor's degree, toward another degree of the same level, or from a doctoral degree to a subsequent master's degree. See the back of the form for further transfer of credit rules.

 If your graduate program requires one of these examinations, work closely with them to determine the timeline and process to complete it.

The comprehensive exam must be scheduled with the Graduate School at least two weeks in advance by submitting a Doctoral Examination Report form obtained from your department. The form must list a minimum of 5 committee members who will be approved by the Graduate School. The chair of the committee must have a current regular or tenured appointment. The other four members must have either a regular or special appointment. Students must be registered as regular degree seeking students on the Boulder campus the semester the exam is held. To pass the exam the student must have the affirmative vote of the majority of the committee. Membership on the University faculty does not automatically constitute an appointment to the graduate faculty. Contact your departmental graduate program assistant for questions concerning these appointments.

​Students must submit to the Graduate School a Candidacy Application for an Advanced Degree within two weeks of passing the comprehensive examination. Applications follow a workflow process and must be approved by the academic department before they are directed to the Graduate School.

Post-Comprehensive and Doctoral Candidacy

A minimum of 30 dissertation hours are required for the PhD. Up to 10 credit hours may be taken in any given semester.

After passing the comprehensive exam a PhD student is required to be continuously registered each fall and spring semester through the semester of the dissertation defense. The registration requirement is full-time (5 dissertation hours) or part-time status (3 dissertation hours). The semester of the defense full-time registration is required.

The DMA continuous registration requirement is enrollment in dissertation credits having the course number 8200-8399 or TMUS 8029 through the semester in which the final examination is completed. AuD students should register for appropriate coursework/internship credits and full time registration is required during the semester of the final examination.

A student who does not register continuously for required hours after passing the comprehensive examination may be required to retake and pass the examination. If you have questions or concerns, check in with your graduate program.

Semester of Degree Award- PhD Students

Apply to graduate in Buff Portal by posted deadline for the semester.PhD students must enter their dissertation title as part of the online graduation application. This title will appear in the commencement program and on your transcript. You may update the title through your portal until the deadline to cancel/update.

Submit Doctoral Final Exam at least 2 weeks prior to exam date. Ensure that you are registered full-time during the semester of the exam.

PhD students must submit their dissertation electronically, along with the Thesis Approval Form (TAF), by the Graduate School’s deadline in order to graduate in any given semester. Students should submit the thesis electronically and must have an approved submission by 5 p.m. on the deadline day. The TAF must be submitted along with the dissertation as a supplemental file. Formatting specifications for the dissertation can be found on our Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission page. The Graduate School recommends that a pre-check of your format be done before you submit the final version. You can request that by e-mailing a pdf of your dissertation to

Ensure that grades for incompletes and thesis hours have been submitted by your program by the posted deadline for the semester.

Update diploma name and address and review information for commencement celebrations, transcripts, and diplomas.

Semester of Degree Award- DMA and AUD Students

Apply to graduate in Buff Portal by posted deadline for the semester.PhD students must enter their dissertation title as part of the online graduation application. This title will appear in the commencement program and on your transcript. You may update the title through your portal until the deadline to cancel/update.

Submit Doctoral Final Exam at least 2 weeks prior to exam date. Ensure that you are registered full-time during the semester of the exam.

Ensure that grades for incompletes and thesis hours have been submitted by your program by the posted deadline for the semester.

Update diploma name and address and review information for commencement celebrations, transcripts, and diplomas.

Additional Information

Students must complete all requirements for the degree within six years of commencing work in the doctoral program. Students who wish to request additional time must petition the Dean of the Graduate School and have their faculty advisor’s endorsement. Completion of requirements includes defending the dissertation and submission to the Graduate School. Any semester(s) on Time Off are included in the time limit to complete the degree.

Graduate students who need to leave school for 1-2 semesters may participate in the Leave of Absence Program (details available in the Registrar’s Office). Doctoral students who have passed their comprehensive exam are not normally eligible for Leave of Absence because of the continuous enrollment requirement. Parental leave is an exception. To request any other exception because of extenuating circumstances a petition to the Dean of the Graduate School should be submitted. Students who do not register for a semester or apply for Leave of Absence will automatically be withdrawn from the University and will need to reapply for readmission. Students who withdraw from school permanently must do so formally with the Registrar’s Office.

If you are an international student and plan to participate in Leave of Absence or withdraw from school, please see an advisor at International Student and Scholar Services.