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September announcements for graduate students

Mark your calendars for these professional development seminars, graduation deadlines, and funding opportunities.

Professional Development

Industry Job Search SeminarSept. 6, 13, 20, 27 @ 4 to 5 p.m., via Zoom 
Cat Diebel-Wilson, program manager for Career Services, will discuss how to begin the industry job search, with topics including finding job postings, drafting a résumé, and writing a cover letter; how to network and ask for professional references; and how to interview and negotiate to land that industry job. The IJSS is ideal for first and second year PhDs who want to keep their options open, PhD candidates nearing completion, and master’s students. Register here.

Maximizing Mentorship for Grad Students & PostdocsSept. 7 @ 12 to 1 p.m., UMC Aspen Rooms 
Quality mentorship is a critical component of success for postdocs and graduate students. In this session, Christine Wiedinmyer, PhD, associate director for science at CIRES, will offer strategies for maximizing your mentoring relationships—both with your primary mentor and others. Peer mentoring programs offered by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and the Graduate School will also be highlighted. Lunch will be provided. Register here 

Grad+ Endurance Seminar Seriesstarts the week of Sept. 12, via Zoom 
This seminar series led by Leslie Blood, PhD, director of graduate community and program development, will consist of weekly one-hour check-ins to support goal setting and planning, and provide a clear understanding of how values should drive goals and habit structures. Students will find that these endurance seminars provide a solid foundation to help reduce your stress and help you find your place in the graduate community. Intro and advanced options available. Register here.

Grad+ Weekly Write-InTuesdays beginning Sept. 13 @ 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., in-person or via Zoom 
Do you need a dedicated time and space to help you focus on your academic writing? Sign up to attend the Graduate School's weekly write-in sessions. The goal of these sessions is to promote accountability by devoting a few hours to your writing each week and by tracking your progress. The Graduate School will host the weekly write-in session every Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., with alternating locations on Main Campus & East Campus every other week. There will be a remote option for those who cannot join in person. Register here.

Managing Good Relations with Your AdvisorSept. 14 @ 10-11:30 a.m., via Zoom 
The advisor-advisee relationship can be complicated. Jerry Hauser, faculty ombuds, will provide tools to help you navigate this relationship. If you have concerns about such matters as assessment of your work, assignment to projects that are feeding your interests, receiving responses to your work in a timely fashion, even accessibility, this presentation may help you think strategically about how to address them. Register here.

Advanced Planning SeriesSept. 21, 28, Oct. 5 @ 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., SEEC, Room N224 
In this action-oriented series, Leslie Blood, PhD, will discuss planning methods and how to effectively apply these tools to your personal and professional lives. This is a three-part series that will cover the following: holistic planning, pre-contemplation and reflection, and how to create your own planner. Learn how to address and balance you responsibilities while setting short- and long-term goals. Register here.

Proposal Writing: Explaining the Project in One ParagraphSept. 22 @ 12 to 1 p.m., via Zoom 
A robust, one paragraph description of your project can quickly garner reviewer interest. Participants will be introduced to the necessary elements for creating a compelling one paragraph description. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) invites graduate students and postdocs to a virtual information series on successful proposal development. Jim Mazzouccolo, proposal editor and writing coach for the Research & Innovation Office (RIO), will discuss key strategies and practices to enhance your proposal’s competitiveness. Register here.

Graduation Deadlines

Planning to have your degree awarded in fall 2022? Preview upcoming graduation deadlines on the Graduate School website.

Funding Opportunities & Deadlines

Watch for several Graduate School funding opportunities coming in October. Deadlines will be posted on the Graduate School website in the coming weeks:

Beverly Sears & Cynthia H. Schultz Grants 
Provides small grants for research at the master's or doctoral level.

Dissertation Completion Fellowship 
Provides one academic semester of full support to aid in dissertation completion.

MFA Completion Fellowship 
Provides financial support to assist in the process of completing their thesis or final project.

Figueroa Family Fellowship 
This $1,500 scholarship is available to a student working in the sciences or engineering. The applicant should demonstrate a commitment to the achievement of a diverse student body.