Language, Sociality, and Mental Health

My main interest, however, is in turning the lens of sociality onto linguistic manifestations of autism, particularly in regard to what scholars have observed as the unique ‘intonation pattern’ of persons on the autism spectrum. While researchers have focused almost exclusively on such phenomena as cognitive, I am interested in the ways that persons with autism use language strategically to navigate their social worlds, a point convincingly made by a small but growing number of linguistic anthropologists.
My specific research regards a sociolinguistic practice popularly associated with Asperger’s but rarely analyzed: the prolonged and fluent adoption of non-local dialect features, or in laymen’s terms, “foreign accent.” For sociolinguists who view second dialect acquisition as a difficult social achievement importantly related to identity, this practice presents a paradox. How do individuals associated with such a purportedly “asocial” syndrome accomplish an activity that is by all accounts intensely social? I am currently attempting to investigate this paradox through combined use of ethnographic and discourse analytic methodologies.