Workshop Venue & Program

The Lotsawa Translation Workshop will begin with a Welcome Reception on the evening of Friday, October 5th and ending with Closing Remarks and Lunch on Monday, October 8th. The program from Saturday to Monday will take place at the University Memorial Center (UMC) on the CU Boulder campus. Complete information for the venues/times for pre-conference event and welcome reception coming soon.



Pre-Conference Event

Thursday, October 4 at 7pm - Anne Klein will be delivering a lecture on "The Sunlit Sky: Longchenpa's Open Secret" for the Trungpa Lecture in Buddhist Studies at Naropa University, Nalanda Events Center, 6287 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder.

Welcome Reception

Friday, October 5 at 5pm - Welcome Reception at the Mezzanine of Hotel Boulderado, 2115 13th Street, Boulder.
Dialogue with Janet Gyatso and Kurtis Schaeffer, reflecting on where we have come in the past several years in the study of Tibetan poetry and song.

Saturday, October 6th

  • 8:15  Continental Breakfast
  • 9am  Breakout Sessions
  • 10:30  Tea Break
  • 11am  Keynote Lecture on "An Act of Bardo: Translating Tibetan Poetry" with Lama Jabb, Oxford University
    *** PUBLIC EVENT to take place in the British Studies Room, 5th Floor of Norlin Library ***
  • 12:30  Catered Lunch
  • 2pm  Meeting in Workshop Groups
  • 3:30  Tea Break
  • 4pm  Meeting in Workshop Groups
  • 5:30 Fireside Resource Share, Wonderland Lake in North Boulder
    Brief Intros from Tsadra, BDRC, Tibetan Studies Library at Columbia University, and Treasury of Lives

Sunday, October 7th

Monday, October 8th