Metkel T.

  • Major: Integrative Physiology
  • FALL 2024

At CU, I have been enjoying the great environment of an inclusive and caring community. I have met great people and some that I have already known since high school. I have also been blessed to have my good friend as a roommate.

COVID-19 has ruined many things for many of us. Personally, I am beyond sad to have to attend classes remotely and have less interaction with other students. I had plans to do some intramural sports with some friends but that of course can't happen because of COVID-19.

I am beyond grateful to have been awarded this scholarship. This scholarship will help me financially and mentally. Meaning, I have less worries about my finances and I can focus more on my school work. My parents and mentors have less to worry when they are working hard to provide for the family. I am grateful for this scholarship.