
Teachers of Color and Allies Summit

The Teachers of Color and Allies (TOCA) Summit is a daylong event that gathers education students, local educators of color, and allies to provide collegial support, opportunities for networking and mentoring, and insights into best practices in education. Hosted by the School of Education in partnership with local school districts, the summit is held every fall. Check back for more information. Learn More  Support TOCA 

Round Table Discussion
Break Out Group

Best Should Teach

The Best Should Teach (BST) Initiative celebrates excellence in teaching and academic leadership. Each year Best Should Teach Gold and Silver Awards are presented to college and university faculty and public school teachers. Lindley and Marguerite Stiles, along with Ira and Ineva Baldwin established the initiative in 1996 to promulgate the message that “The Best Should Teach,” which is inscribed on the Education building:

“To those who come, I leave the flame! Hold it as high as you can reach. If a better world is your aim, all must agree: The Best Should Teach.”

Stiles was a three-degree CU Boulder alumnus who served as dean of education at the universities of West Virginia and Wisconsin before establishing the Best Should Teach Initiative here at his CU Boulder alma mater. 

Learn More  Support BST 

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