As we move into 2024, we are grateful for many moments of joy and accomplishments in the year 2023. Here are three overarching highlights from the CU Boulder School of Education’s past year, as we look forward to making new memories and reaching new milestones in 2024.
- Community-building in our expanding and newly renamed Ofelia Miramontes and Leonard Baca Education Building.
The CU Boulder School of Education’s new campus home was officially renamed the Ofelia Miramontes and Leonard Baca Education Building in 2023. Nominations for the honorary naming were submitted by alumni and community members, and a committee of alumni, students, faculty, and staff reviewed nominations and made the name recommendation to the chancellor and then the Board of Regents. The Miramontes Baca name honors two outstanding leaders in education who opened the doors for countless students and educators, and now the name offers opportunities for more students and educators to learn from their examples and dedication to educational equity.
Additionally, we opened new wings of the renovated space in the fall, including advising and teacher education offices. Plus the 2023 year featured many Community Days, student-led events, and faculty and staff retreats that brought together our community together in the Miramontes Baca Building and beyond.
- Celebrating outstanding teaching, research, and leadership.
The year began with Ruben Donato's packed Distinguished Research Lecture, and later, he joined his community partner Judge Martin Gonzales and esteemed colleagues in their respective Ed Talks about the fight for civil rights in education in April. Also, that month, several students, faculty, and alumni were honored at the American Educational Research Association's (AERA) annual meeting, and Derek Briggs was named an AERA Fellow. The Best Should Teach Awards Ceremony honored outstanding K-12 teachers and several university instructors and faculty including our own, Melissa Braaten, STEM education associate professor.
In addition, Wendy Glenn was named a CU President's Teaching Scholar; Ty Dowdy, Soraya Latiff, and Elaina Verveer earned Marinus Smith Awards for their positive impact on students; Valerie Otero was recognized with the international Svend Petersen Award for major and lasting impact on science education; Johanna Maes and Soraya Latiff received Women Who Make a Difference Awards; Sara McDonald, Sr. Director of Operations and long-time staff member, was honored with Stearns Award at the annual Alumni Awards ceremony; and more. Voices Magazine, the School of Education's alumni and friends magazine, earned a bronze Circle of Excellence award for annual magazines from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). We also celebrated the many leadership contributions of Dean Kathy Schultz during her last semester as dean, as we prepared to welcome Interim Dean Fernando Rosario-Ortiz.
- Centering our students while gathering alumni, community members, and friends for events and good company
We celebrated our amazing graduates, including many Outstanding Graduate Awardees, in May, and we welcomed wonderful new cohorts of students in the fall.
The annual Scholarship Celebration, the Children’s Book Festival, and the Teachers of Color and Allies Summit continue to grow, deepen our mission, and gather community partners. Many alumni and long-time partners of the BUENO Center for Multicultural Education gathered to celebrate the collectively composed new book about the legacy of the BUENO Center.
Alumni and supporters had more opportunities than ever to engage and re-connect through events like the WISE Tea, Homecoming reunions, and a Homecoming brunch that showcased the new developments of the Miramontes Baca Education Building. We look forward to more opportunities to connect in 2024.
Each year brings its own challenges, and yet we have with gratitude for all we were able to accomplish together in 2023 and ongoing efforts. We are looking forward to 2024 and new possibilities.