Will the billing and closeout groups be using LOBD?

Yes, they will be using LOBD. CCO will continue to follow the sponsor approved budget and any restrictions the award or sponsor have imposed.

Have spending rules changed under this new methodology?

No, this is a change in our approach to award management.  All the rules for expenditures being allowable, allocable, and reasonable still apply.

How will we manage specific cost categories that the sponsor may not have listed in the awarded budget?

If there is a specific cost category that the Department/PI needs to manage a BJE can be submitted to move funds from a general category to a specific account code, i.e., general operating to MRI.

Will budget categories that have no indirect applied need to be itemized in InfoEd or PeopleSoft?

No, as long as they are not items the sponsor expects us to segregate from the main award.  When costs, such as tuition, are incurred they will be identified in the correct account code and IDC will not be charged (this is programmed in PS).   We will continue to separate participant support costs and subaward costs into separate projects as we have always done.

What happens when a multi-year project receives only part of the first year of funding?

When a multi-year project receives only part of the first year of funding and the ‘unfunded award’ budget line is used it can make the award appear to be in deficit preventing departments from doing cost transfers. The impact in some cases comes from the fully encumbered F&A.

A procedure will be developed to avoid cost transfer approvers from disapproving transfers in these situations.

Will the campus receive training on this new process?

Yes, CCO and OCG will provide information on this new methodology in several venues and host training sessions for central office and campus staff and PIs.

Tuition is budgeted as an operating expense at proposal submission time but the expense is incurred as a fringe benefit. What is the solution for this?

The department can move operating budget to the fringe benefits using a BJE.

Can budget be transferred among multiple SpeedTypes on an award?

Yes, however only when there are no sponsor restrictions. Funds budgeted for participant costs and subawards are considered restricted and may not be transferred using a BJE. Contact OCG to obtain sponsor approvals if you wish to re-budget these or other sponsor-restricted funds.

What if a department does not have the resources to do BJEs for their awards?

Send a request for assistance to spa@colorado.edu.

Will there be any change in the workflow for property under LOBD?

Currently we anticipate no change to the workflow.

Will there be any new or minimum access roles needed for users at each level under the LOBD methodology?

Currently we anticipate no changes to user access or roles.

How do I request multiple projects/SpeedTypes for an award?

A webform is under development for submission of those requests and the goal is to receive the requests before CCO Setup has finished with the award setup.

How will departments keep track of the awarded budget vs. a budget that they have moved funds with the BJE process?

A new “Extra” is being added to some of the m-Fin reports. Currently, the m-Fin Revenue & Expenditure Summary has this option. When running the report, under “Extras” check the box for “GM Sponsor Budget” to show a column for the original budget as entered by CCO. Compare this to the “Total Budget” column which reflect all budget transactions, including those moved through the BJE process.

View LOBD and mFin Reports for more information.

How do I know if I have access in the system to do BJEs?

Individual users can be checked. At this time, there is no check that can be run system-wide.

Will there be any changes to budget development and the templates currently available?

Proposal budgets are submitted to the sponsor with the level of detail required by the sponsor. Proposal Analysts determine what cost estimation tool to use based on sponsor requirements. Cost estimation tools will continue to be used as needed because sponsors may require detail in the budget justification or the proposal and some require that backup details be submitted when the award is pending but not yet issued.

After a BJE is approved, when will I see the changes in the CU-Data m-Fin reports?

The approved entry will be reflected in the CU-Data m-Fin reports the next business day.

An incrementally funded award has an entered budget in PeopleSoft for the entire awarded POP. This is causing a negative available balance. If a cost transfer is needed, how will the CCO Cost Transfer Accountant review this and not disallow the entry?

An m-Fin report will be reviewed of the current budget, the actuals, and budget balance to date. If there is budget available and the cost transfer is not greater than this amount, the entry would be approved.

Using the example below, if the cost transfer is not greater than $33,611 direct cost with the F&A at 54%, the entry would be approved.

Available Balance

Budget Bal
Available Balance
Expeditures Budget 217,857.00   217,857.00   217,857.00
Expenditures Acutals    166,094.95 (166,094.95)   (166,094.95)
Payroll Encumbs       5,326.17 (5,326.17)
PO & Req Encumbs       3,000.00 (3,000.00)
F & A Encumbs       106,692.39 (106,692.39)
Total 217,857.00 166,094.95 51,762.05 115,018.56 Stop