Technical Program

ICP 2019 is proud to offer a rich technical program from a wide range of experts in the fields of photochemistry and photophysics. Given the established, global expertise in renewable energy and the environment at the University of Colorado Boulder, conference sessions will also include solar fuels and atmospheric photochemistry.

Abstracts in PDF Format: Click here for a PDF document of all Plenary Speakers, Technical Session and Poster Abstracts (152 pages). For a PDF document of individual Technical Sessions, visit the specific Technical Session web page.

Abstracts in Google Sheets: A complete list of Presentation and Poster Abstracts is available and searchable as a Google Sheets document.

Schedules in PDF Format: The full Schedule and Technical Sessions are available and searchable as a PDF document.

  • Presenters: You may use your own laptop or a conference laptop will be available. Presentation formats may be 4:3 or 16:9 display size.
  • Posters: Poster sizes should be 4' x 4' (1.2m x 1.2m) in size.
  • All attendees are reminded to bring a photo ID (that includes your date of birth) to the Reception, Poster Session or other locations to show proof of age if you plan on consuming an alcoholic beverage.

Explore details about Invited Talks, Contributed Talks, and Posters using the links on the right.