Conference Program

We are excited to showcase the cutting-edge research and groundbreaking discoveries that will be presented at our conference. Our rigorous peer-review process has ensured the selection of high-quality papers that address diverse topics within the realm of ADHS. From theoretical frameworks to practical applications, these accepted papers represent the forefront of innovations in the field. Explore this page to discover the compelling insights and findings that our esteemed presenters will share during the ADHS-2024 conference.

Day 1 (July 1st, 2024)

Keynote (09:00 AM - 10:00 AM)

Speaker:Prof. Dr. Tichakorn (Nok) Wongpiromsarn, Iowa State University, USA.
Title:Establishing Correctness of Learning-Enabled Autonomous Systems

Coffee Break (10:00 AM - 10:30 AM)

Session 1 (10:30 AM - 12:30 PM) - Stability (Chair: Raphael Jungers)

Lal, Ratan; Prabhakar, PavithraVerification of Parametric Properties of Linear Discrete-time Stochastic Systems 
Vuille, Alexis; Berger, Berger; Jungers, Raphaël M.Data-Driven Stability Analysis of Switched Linear Systems Using Adaptive Sampling 
Dayekh, Hadi; Basset, Nicolas; Dang, ThaoHybrid System Identification through Optimization and Active Learning
Battista, Ludovico; Tonetta, StefanoFormal Verification of Stability for Parametric Affine Switched Systems
Wintz, Paul; Sanfelice, RicardoConical Transition Graphs: A New Tool to Analyze Asymptotic Stability for Hybrid Systems 
van den Eijnden, Sebastiaan; Heemels, Maurice; Nijmeijer, Hendrik; Heertjes, MarcelStability and performance analysis of hybrid integrator-gain systems: An LMI approach** 

Lunch Break (12:30 PM - 02:00 PM)

Session 2 (02:00 PM - 03:40 PM) - Invariance (Chair: Ricardo Sanfelice)

Belamfedel Alaoui, Sadek; Saoud, AdnaneContract-Based Design for Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Invariance Properties 
Wembe Wafo, Emmanuel Junior; Saoud, AdnaneOn Robust Controlled Invariants for Continuous-Time Monotone Systems
Belamfedel Alaoui, Sadek; Saoud, AdnaneNecessary and sufficient conditions of forward invariance in hybrid dynamical systems: A linear matrix approach
Zhong, Bingzhuo; Dong, Weijie; Yin, Xiang; Zamani, MajidVerification of Diagnosability for Cyber-Physical Systems via Hybrid Barrier Certificates
Abate, Alessandro; Bogomolov, Sergiy; Edwards, Alec; Potomkin, Kostiantyn; Soudjani, Sadegh; Zuliani, PaoloSafe Reach Set Computation via Neural Barrier Certificates 

Coffee Break (03:40 PM - 04:10 PM)

Session 3 (04:10 PM - 05:50 PM) - Stochastic Systems (Chair: Samuel Coogan)

Mathiesen, Frederik Baymler; Lahijanian, Morteza; Laurenti, LucaIntervalMDP.jl: Accelerated Value Iteration for Interval Markov Decision Processes 
Samari, Behrad; Della Rossa, Matteo; Lavaei, Abolfazl; Soudjani, Sadegh; Jungers, Raphaël M.Multiplicative Barrier Certificates for Probabilistic Safety of Markov Jump Systems
Monir, Negar; Schön, Oliver; Soudjani, SadeghLyapunov-Based Policy Synthesis for Multi-Objective Interval MDPs 
Palacios Roman, Juan Javier; Hafstein, Sigurður; van den Eijnden, Sebastiaan; Heertjes, Marcel; Heemels, MauriceStability analysis of hybrid integrator-gain systems using linear programming 
Engelaar, Maico; Zhang, Zengjie; Lazar, Mircea; Haesaert, SofieRisk-Aware MPC for Stochastic Systems with Runtime Temporal Logics

* Papers that have passed the Repeatability Evaluation (RE) hold the RE-passed badge next to their titles.
** NAHS dissemination paper.


Day 2 (July 2nd, 2024)

Keynote (09:00 AM - 10:00 AM)

Speaker:Prof. Dr. Aaron D. Ames, California Institute of Technology, USA.
Title:Control Barrier Functions: Guaranteeing Safety in Theory and Practice

Coffee Break (10:00 AM - 10:30 AM)

Session 1 (10:30 AM - 12:30 PM) - Learning (Chair: Sriram Sankaranarayanan)

Bertollo, Riccardo; van den Eijnden, Sebastiaan; Heemels, MauriceIncremental Stability of Discrete-Time First-Order Projection Elements 
Yang, Yejiang; Mo, Zihao; Xiang, WeimingD^3NN: Data-Driven Dual-Level Neural Network Tool for Dynamical System Modeling and Abstraction 
Liu, Jun; Meng, Yiming; Zhou, RuikunLyZNet with Control: Physics-Informed Neural Network Control of Nonlinear Systems with Formal Guarantees 
Nadali, Alireza; Trivedi, Ashutosh; Zamani, MajidTransfer of Safety Controllers Through Learning Deep Inverse Dynamics Model
Makdesi, Anas; Girard, Antoine; Fribourg, LaurentOnline Learning for Safe Model Predictive Control with the Compatible Models Approach 
Ochoa, Daniel E.; Poveda, Jorge I.On Hybrid Prescribed-Time Concurrent Learning with Switching Datasets

Lunch Break (12:30 PM - 02:00 PM)

Session 2 (02:00 PM - 03:40 PM) - Temporal Logics and Applications/Tools (Chair: Adnane Saoud)

Yasini, Taha; Pakniyat, AliHybrid Optimal Control of a Flying+Sailing Drone: Flying with 6 and Sailing with 5 Degrees of Freedom 
Harapanahalli, Akash; Jafarpour, Saber; Coogan, Samuelimmrax: A Parallelizable and Differentiable Toolbox for Interval Analysis and Mixed Monotone Reachability in JAX
Jimenez-Leudo, Santiago; Braun, Philipp; Sanfelice, Ricardo; Shames, ImanA Hybrid Systems Formulation for a Capture-the-Flag Game 
Hashemi, Navid; Williams, Sam; Hoxha, Bardh; Prokhorov, Danil; Fainekos, Georgios; Deshmukh, JyotirmoyLB4TL: Smooth Semantics for Temporal Logic for Scalable Training of Neural Feedback Controllers
van Huijgevoort, Birgit; Verhoek, Chris; Tóth, Roland; Haesaert, SofieDirect data-driven control with signal temporal logic specifications 

Coffee Break (03:40 PM - 04:10 PM)

Session 3 (04:10 PM - 05:50 PM) - Approximations (Chair: Andrew Teel)

Zhong, Bingzhuo; Arcak, Murat; Zamani, MajidHierarchical Control for Cyber-Physical Systems via General Approximate Alternating Simulation Relations
Aspeel, Antoine; Ozay, NecmiyeA Simulation Preorder for Koopman-like Lifted Control Systems 
Glunt, Jonah; Siefert, Jacob; Thompson, Andrew; Pangborn, HerschelError Bounds for Compositions of Piecewise Affine Approximations 
Pola, Giordano; De Santis, Elena; Di Benedetto, M. DomenicaApproximate current state observability of discrete-time nonlinear systems under cyber-attacks** 
Teel, Andrew R.; Goebel, RafalStochastic approximations of hybrid systems with continuous flow maps 

* Papers that have passed the Repeatability Evaluation (RE) hold the RE-passed badge next to their titles.
** NAHS dissemination paper.


Day 3 (July 3rd, 2024)

Keynote (09:00 AM - 10:00 AM)

Speaker:Prof. Dr. Rafal Goebel, Loyola University Chicago, USA.
Title:It is OK for (hybrid) dynamics to be multivalued and have nonunique solutions

Coffee Break (10:00 AM - 10:30 AM)

Session 1 (10:30 AM - 12:30 PM) - Verification and Synthesis (Chair: Morteza Lahijanian)

Wang, Nan; Sanfelice, RicardoHyRRT-Connect: A Bidirectional Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees Motion Planning Algorithm for Hybrid Systems 
Anand, Mahathi; Zamani, MajidDistributed Safety Controller Synthesis for Unknown Interconnected Systems via Graph Neural Networks 
Schön, Oliver; Naseer, Shammakh; Wooding, Ben; Soudjani, SadeghData-Driven Abstractions Via Binary-Tree Gaussian Processes for Formal Verification 
Meng, Yiming; Liu, JunLyapunov-Barrier Characterization of Robust Reach-Avoid-Stay Specifications for Hybrid Systems** 
Shen, Qiang; Niu, Ruochen; Yong, Sze ZhengTractable Model Discrimination for Safety-Critical Systems with Disjunctive and Coupled Constraints** 
Galarza-Jimenez, Felipe; Murali, Vishnu; Zamani, MajidCompositional Synthesis of Controllers via Co-Büchi Barrier Certificates 

Lunch Break (12:30 PM - 02:00 PM)

Session 2 (02:00 PM - 03:40 PM) - Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems Workshop

 Contributed Papers (12 min presentation, 8 min discussion)
02:00 PMWelcome Address
02:20 PM[Benchmark Proposal] Stability Verification of an Industrial Switched PI Control Systems (Basagiannis, Stylianos; Battista, Ludovico; Becchi, Anna; Cimatti, Alessandro; Georgios Giantamidis; Sergio Mover; Alberto Tacchella; Stefano Tonetta; Vassilios Tsachouridis)
02:40 PM[Benchmark Proposal] Randomized Generation of Arbitrarily Difficult Verification Tasks for Linear Time-Invariant Systems (Wetzlinger, Mark; Althoff, Matthias)
03.00 PM[Tool Presentation] Implementation of Polyhedral Operations in CORA 2024 (Wetzlinger, Mark; Kotsev, Viktor; Kulmburg, Adrian; Althoff, Matthias)
 Declaration of the results of the ARCH friendly competition (part 1)
03:20 PMPiecewise Constant Dynamics (Lead: Bu, Lei)
03:30 PMContinuous and Hybrid Systems with Linear Dynamics (Lead: Althoff, Matthias)

Coffee Break (03:40 PM - 04:10 PM)

Session 3 (04:10 PM - 5:30 PM) - Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems Workshop

 Results of the ARCH Friendly Competition (Part II)
04:10 PMNonlinear Systems (lead: Geretti, Luca)
04:20 PMFalsification (lead: Menghi, Claudio)
04:30 PMArtificial Intelligence and Neural Network Control Systems (lead: Johnson, Taylor)
04:40 PMHybrid Programs (lead: Mitsch, Stefan)
04:50 PMVoting for ARCH 2024 Best Result Award